Original Fairy problems
01.01.2023 - 31.12.2023
☝ Definitions
No. 1789 Michael Barth
original - 22.12.2023
black Gh6g7 Pf7g6e4c4 Rb2a8 Kd5
white Kg2 Pf4e3c3c5c6c7a6 Nd4 Rd2 Bc2 Sd7
#2 12+9
Solution: (click to show/hide)
Top class!
Yes, top class: agreed! But after 1.c8=Q? … Gf8! (2.Nd4xf8[+bGb4]+? also fails to 1.- Gb4-d4!)
Qc8 guards c6, and guards e6 when reborn on g4.
Gc8 guards e6, and guards e4 when reborn on g4, and also guards c5 thus allowing Sd7 to mate on b6.
Nc8 guards e4, and guards c6 when reborn on g4, and can also mate on b6.
A terrific problem with excellent thematic refutations!
This method of showing various cycles (here a cyclic le Grand = Ukrainian cycle), with different guards produced by promotion keys and Circe-type rebirths of the promoted pieces, is known from problems by Franz Pachl and others. But the use of Antipodean Circe may be original, and the extra change in all phases (completing a full Zagoruiko) is a wonderful addition.