Julia's Fairies

No.220 (FS)

Francesco Simoni


Original Problems, Julia’s Fairies – 2013 (I): January – April

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No.220 – h#3 by Francesco Simoni – An interesting and difficult problem with rich strategy! (JV)


Grasshopper(G): Moves along Q-lines over another unit of either color to the square immediately beyond that unit. A capture may be made on arrival, but the hurdle is not affected.

Rookhopper: As Grasshopper, but moves on Rook lines only.

Bishophopper: As Grasshopper, but moves on Bishop lines only.

No.220 Francesco Simoni
h#3              2 solutions              (6+5)
Bishophopper a7, g8
Rookhopper c8, d8
Grasshopper h7
Solution: (click to show/hide)

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January 9, 2013 12:45

Love this complex line play with excellent dual avoidance.
But have I seen this pin-mate previously here ?

Nikola Predrag
Nikola Predrag
January 9, 2013 16:54
Reply to  Seetharaman

Very nice, with clear purposes of moves by bQ in B1 and of all other moves.
The reasons why some moves must be played and why all other possible moves do not lead to solution, make the problem correct. But this is not a logical basis for dual avoidance., it is only about achieving the unique solutions.

In dual avoidance, the move which will be avoided must show full efficiency in some phase, only then the avoidance of it may look convincing.

The purpose of moves 2.Qc6/Qe6 is making a hurdle for wRHc8/wBHg8, providing the guard of squares c5/d5 on which w Knights will play and thus pin bQ. The full efficiency of 2.Qc6/Qe6 must be complemental with the guard of d5/c5 by wG. This may be a logic basis for dual avoidance:

I. 1.Qe4 Gd3 2.Qc6! Sc5 3.BHd4 Sd5‡
(… 2.Qe6? Sd5 3.RHd4 Sc5+ 4.Kxc5!?)

II. 1.Qg6 Gf5 2.Qe6! Sd5 3.RHd4 Sc5‡
(… 2.Qc6? Sc5 3.BHd4 Sd5+ 4.Kxd5!?)
A nice variety (rather than dis-analogy) are the hurdles (bBH/wS ) over which wG guards d5/c5

Francesco Simoni
Francesco Simoni
January 9, 2013 21:08
Reply to  Nikola Predrag

I agree with Nikola analysis. Infect I don’t speak in my comment about dual avoidance, but it’s important any move has at least an alternative, to motive all its effects. For example, to guard b3 and d3, White has in W2 two choices (Sc5 or Sc1). Without the choice Sc1, the pin effect of the move Sc3 becomes artificial.

Francesco Simoni
Francesco Simoni
January 9, 2013 22:07
Reply to  Nikola Predrag

Nikola says “A nice variety (rather than dis-analogy) are the hurdles (bBH/wS ) over which wG guards d5/c5”

I should like to obtain the homogeneous effect in B3 (as well as 3.BHd4), but the price to pay is a twin form moving the white Grasshopper.

Nikola Predrag
Nikola Predrag
January 10, 2013 01:48

Yes, the possibility of the move Sc1? apparently makes the pin effect more convincing.
The need of a hurdle on d5 for wGf5 might apparently diminish a bit the importance of the pin effect and the possibility of Sa2? looks a bit less significant.
But the moves Sc5/Sd5 MUST make a hurdle for bBHa7/bRHd8 for a selfblock on d4, bQ MUST make a hurdle for wRHc8/wBHg8 and it MUST be pinned in the end.
The simple guard of flights b3&d3/b4&c3 also must be achieved but it is actually only an efficient constructional tool for the economical presentation of a complex strategic mechanism.

Finally, it looks pretty convincing to me. Small varieties (which show imagination and skill in the construction) could be more interesting than a dogmatic pursuit of (so called) perfect analogy at any price.

January 9, 2013 13:55

Not here. I was confusing it with Julia’s problem 9. It has quite a different idea and no pin-mates.

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