Julia's Fairies

No.343 (VC&KW)

Vlaicu Crișan (Romania) &
Klaus Wenda (Austria)

Warm welcome to dr. Klaus Wenda at Julia’s Fairies!


Original Problems, Julia’s Fairies – 2013 (II): May – August

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Please send your original fairy problems to: julia@juliasfairies.com

No.343 – Vlaicu Crișan & Klaus Wenda – Complicated strategy is demonstrated in a joint problem by two big masters of modern composition – already well-known at Julia’s Fairies Vlaicu Crișan and Austrian GM dr. Klaus Wenda! (JV)


Kangaroo (KA): Moves along Queen-lines over 2 hurdles of either color (which may or may not stand on adjacent squares) to the square immediately beyond the second hurdle. A capture may be made on arrival, but the hurdles are not affected.

Kangaroo-Lion(KL): Moves along Q-lines over 2 hurdles of either color (which may or may not stand on adjacent squares) to any square beyond the 2nd unit. A capture may be made on arrival, but the hurdle is not affected.

LEO(LE): Moves as Queen, but captures only by hopping over a hurdle to any square beyond.

PAO(PA): Moves as Rook, but captures only by hopping over a hurdle to any square beyond.

VAO(VA): Moves as Bishop, but captures only by hopping over a hurdle to any square beyond.

FERS(FE): (1,1)Leaper

No.343 Vlaicu Crișan & Klaus Wenda
Romania / Austria
hs#4              b) bKd8                 (5+9)
Kangaroos: c2, e4
LEOs: h5, h6
PAO d2; VAO c5
Kangaroo-Lions: c6, e1
Solutions: (click to show/hide)

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July 5, 2013 22:35

The authors have sufficiently detailed the effects at play in the solutions, but one can add that there are 4 distinct exchanges of functions: wLEh5/wLEh6, bKLe1/bKLc6, bSd5/bSe3, bVAc5/bPAd2 with some very slight disparities (bVA blocks f2, while bPA does not block d7; wLEe6 does not guard any square, while wLEf3 guards f1).

One remarkable technical aspect of this strategic diagonal-orthogonal correspondence could be easily overlooked: ALL pieces have a role in both solutions, even bPg3. A real wonder !

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