No.382, 383 Welcome to Kostěj and to his first publications at Julia’s Fairies! |
Original Problems, Julia’s Fairies – 2013 (III): September- December →Previous ; →Next ; →List 2013(III) Please send your original fairy problems to: |
No.382, 383 – Kostěj Šoulivý – Two nonstandard four-men! Author considers them as independent problems. (JV)
Super-Circe – When captured, a piece is reborn on any free field on the chess board without causing self-check or selfmate. Possible is also removal of captured piece from the board. The Pawns (white, black, neutrals, half- neutrals) can be reborn on the first or eight row also. When reborn on the first row (for Black) or on the eight row (for White) the promotion is obligatory. When reborn on the first row (for White) or on the eight row (for Black) the Pawns are immovable.
Contra Grasshopper (CG): Moves like a G but in reverse: the hurdle must be adjacent to the CG, which may land anywhere on the line beyond.
Grasshopper(G): Moves along Q-lines over another unit of either color to the square immediately beyond that unit. A capture may be made on arrival, but the hurdle is not affected.
Nightrider(N): A Rider along a straight line on squares lying a Knight`s move away from each other.
Empress (Em) = R+S
No.382 Kostěj Šoulivý
Czech Republic
![]() h#2 4 solutions (1+1+2)
(bK is under check) Super-Circe Contra-Grasshopper b2 Nightrider d5 Empress b3 Solutions: (click to show/hide)
No.383 Kostěj Šoulivý
Czech Republic
![]() h#2 3 solutions (1+1+2)
Super-Circe Solutions: (click to show/hide)