No.400 Julia Vysotska (Latvia) |
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No.400 by Julia Vysotska – 2 half-batteries, 2 batteries, 2 pairs of pieces reciprocally change their functions! I congratulate all of us with the 400th original problem published in Original Problems section of Julia’s Fairies!
For me this problem has one more meaning – it’s my 100th composed problem! I’m happy to dedicate it to my dear composition teacher, GM Petko A. Petkov ! (JV)
Nightrider(N): A Rider along a straight line on squares lying a Knight’s move away from each other.
Take & Make: Having captured, a unit must immediately, as part of its move, play a non-capturing move in imitation of the captured unit from the capture-square. If no such move is available, the capture is illegal. Promotion by capture occurs only when a pawn arrives on the promotion rank as the result of a take&make move. Checks are as in normal chess: after the notional capture of the checked K, the checking unit does not move away from the K’s square.
No.400 Julia Vysotska
Dedicated to Petko A. Petkov!
![]() hs#3 2 solutions (5+9)
Take&Make Nightriders: Na5, Na7 Solutions: (click to show/hide)
There is a White half-battery and a Black half-battery.
In each solution [using in turn the two components of each half-battery] the following occurs:
The wK and the bB each capture a half-battery piece and [using t&m] align themselves so that a Black battery is formed on a new line, with the remaining Black half-battery piece being the firing piece.
This sets the scene for the denouement: the remaining White half-battery piece fires to give check from a position that allows the Black battery forward piece to capture it and parry the check [using t&m] but alas giving mate as well.
Wonderful problem Julia.
Change of half battery to two full batteries with one of the original half battery pieces acting on its original square as a front line piece but on a different line. Exchange of functions between 2 pairs of pieces Na5/Na7 & Se4/Rf3. Beautiful problem well deserving its place as 400th problem.
Wonderful problem showing transformation of battery (doubled)! Fitting tribute to Petkov.
Dear Peter, Bala, Ram, thank you very much for your kind words and additional comments to my problem!
Peter, your comment is really more pleasant for readers I believe! I’ve re-written my own several times, but couldn’t make it so “user friendly” as you name it.
I also like laconic comments by Bala and Ram. In a few words you’ve pointed the main things! In Russian there’s a saying which can be translated like “brevity is the soul of wit” (or “concision is the sister of talent” – word in word translation).
The idea of transformation of the black half-battery into new batteries on different lines is very nice. I am always feel good when see the Julia’s fresh ideas. And nowadays she have also excellent technical skills, so now almost all her problem are great. Well done Julia! Keep going!
Thank you, Diyan! It’s a pleasure to hear your words, and I also believe this is one of the best problems I have. I guess you remember my technique about two years ago.. and there’s a difference now I feel myself, and it’s really a great feeling!
in der Kürze liegt die Würze.
Deshalb: großartig!