No.555 |
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No.555 by Gani Ganapathi – A nice Berolina-Excelsiors! (JV)
Berolina-Pawn(BP): Walk and capture are swapped relative to the orthodox Pawn. The Berolina-Pawn moves without capturing diagonally (possibly two squares if it is on the second row of its side) and captures vertically.
Equihopper: Moves along any line over another unit of either color to a square situated such that the hurdle stands at the mid-point between the Equihopper’s departure and arrival squares. The English Equihopper cannot pass over an obstruction other than the hurdle when playing along Queen-lines. The non-stop/French Equihopper does not have this restriction. Unless otherwise stated, the non-stop Equihopper is meant.
No.555 Gani Ganapathi
original – 10.06.2014
![]() Berolina-pawn d2 Equihopper a1 Solutions: (click to show/hide)
Interesting idea and play. But I wish the black king could have ended in different squares in the two solutions.