Original Problems (page 22)Original fairy problems published during 2012 will participate in the informal tourney JF-2012. The site is mostly about fairies, but h# and s# are also welcomed for publication! Please send your problems to my e-mail: julia@juliasfairies.com Go to >>> Page 21 ; >>> Page 23 |
I’m happy to publish one problem today –
No.59 – h#2 by Peter Harris – The problem is dedicated to Petko Petkov ! (No.59a is sent by Mr.Harris to illustrate the “WhiteMaximummer ultra” condition used in No.59)
After some break it’s nice to see again a problems by János Mikitovics:
No.60, No.61 – hs#9 by János Mikitovics – Nice miniatures with strongly limited, but exotical material. Both positions are similar in structure but with different solutions.(JV)
I’ll put some Definitions right here for now (later will be added to the Terms page):
Super-Circe – When captured, a piece is reborn on any free field on the chess board without causing self-check or selfmate. Possible is also removal of captured piece from the board. The Pawns (white, black, neutrals, half- neutrals) can be reborn on the first or eight row also. When reborn on the first row (for Black) or on the eight row (for White) the promotion is obligatory. When reborn on the first row (for White) or on the eight row (for Black) the Pawns are immovable.
White Maximummer ultra: White’s only legal move is his longest – calculated per maxi rules.
- I’ve to mention here, that this condition doesn’t exist in Popeye manual, but in reality it is implemented, and you can set it using “condition WhiteMaximummer ultra”
Maximummer – Black must play the geometrically longst move or may choose from among longest moves of equal length, distances being measured from the center of each square. Diagonal and oblique distances are measured from the orthogonal coordinates by using Pythagora’s theorem (take the square root of the sum of the squares of the orthogonal distances). All other orthodox chess rules apply.
KoKo – A move is possible only if the piece moved arrives on a square next to another unit.
You can сlick on “Solutions” to show or hide the solutions!
No.59 Peter Harris
South Africa
Dedicated to Petko Petkov
![]() h#2 b) Pc5→f3 (3+5)
White Maximummer ultra
Solutions: (click to show/hide)
(JV) I show here Author’s comment about Super-Circe condition – this is an answer to my question about the pawn on the 8th rank:
Supercirce: When a Fairy condition is such that a wP on 1st rank or a bP on 8th rank can come about in the play, then such Ps are allowed in a diagram. So, for example, with my problem W’s move immediately before the diagram position could have been wBg2*bPc6[+bPa8] (Author)
No.59a Peter Harris
educational example
to problem No.59
![]() White Maximummer ultra
White Maximummer ultra: White’s only legal move is his longest – calculated per maxi rules. [See example diagram above].
No.60 János Mikitovics
![]() hs#9 b) bKe7→e6 (2+1+2)
White Chameleon(Q) f5
Neutral Grasshoppers(nG): h7, f2
Maximummer, KoKo
Solutions: (click to show/hide)
Creation of the batteries – Chameleon echo. (Author)
No.61 János Mikitovics
![]() hs#9 2 solutions (2+1+2)
White Chameleon(Q) f5
Neutral Grasshoppers(nG): h7, f2
Maximummer, KoKo
Solutions: (click to show/hide)
Creation of the batteries – Chameleon echo. (Author)
The diagrams are made on WinChloe and its Echecs font is used for Logo design
I presume that black king is in check in the diagram.59. The problem is very nice with different pieces selfblocking on g1. Though the solutions are not a perfect match, they both show interesting play by black.