Original Problems (page 4)I’ll publish some of my problems here and I’d be happy to receive yours! Diagrams, comments, new ideas, anything to discuss – are very appreciated! The site is mostly about fairies, but h# and s# are also welcome! Please send your problems to my e-mail: julia@juliasfairies.com Go to >>> Page 3; >>> Page 5 |
I’m very pleased to present you the another 2 originals I’ve just got:
No.12 – h#2, Kamikaze, by Diyan Kostadinov. By the author’s words – it is an interesting combination of direct and masked ecto batteries
No.13 – #2, KoBul Kings, by Seetharaman Kalyan
Also, I’d like to show you 2 my own originals:
No.14 – hs#3, neutral Locusts, by Julia Vysotska (I’ve used my sheme from No.5 on Page-2, but transformed into hs#)
No.15 – hs#3*, neutral Locusts, by Julia Vysotska
Locust (L): moves on Q-lines but only by capturing an enemy unit, arriving on the square immediately beyond that unit, which must be vacant.
Rook-Locust (LR): Moves like Locust, but on Rook-lines only.
Bishop-Locust (LB): Moves like Locust, but on Bishop-lines only.
PAO(PA): Moves as Rook, but captures only by hopping over a hurdle to any square beyond.
Kamikaze: A capturing unit (except a King) disappears.
Rookhopper: As Grasshopper, but moves on Rook lines only.
Bishophopper: As Grasshopper, but moves on Bishop lines only.
Grasshopper(G): Moves along Q-lines over another unit of either color to the square immediately beyond that unit. A capture may be made on arrival, but the hurdle is not affected.
Lion(Li): Moves along Q-lines over another unit of either color to any square beyond that unit. A capture may be made on arrival, but the hurdle is not affected.
Rook-Lion(RL): Moves like Lion, but on Rook-lines only.
Bishop-Lion(BL): Moves like Lion, but on Bishop-lines only.
KoBul Kings: See the definition on Page 1 of Original Problems.
No.12 Diyan Kostadinov
![]() h#2 2 solutions (2+2+3)
White Locust d8
Neutrals: Locust d7, Leo e6, King f7
Black PAO g7
I. 1. nLEe7 nKf6 (direct battery creation) 2. PAg5
nLE:g5(-nLEg5)# (transformation to and play of masked ecto battery)
II. 1. nLEe8 nKf8 (direct battery creation) 2. PAg8
nLE:g8(-nLEg8)# (transformation to and play of masked ecto battery)
After looking this interesting discussion about the different types of batteries here I tried to present the specific combination of direct and at the same time masked ecto battery in both solutions. Also initially ecto battery destruction, ODT, miniature. (Author)
No.13 Seetharaman Kalyan
![]() #2 (1+7)
KoBul Kings
Black Rookhoppers: d6, h6
Black Bishophoppers: d8, h2
1. RKb6 ! zz
1….Sc6+ 2. Kb7# (Ka7?) 1….RHc6+ 2. Ka7# 1….BHc7+ 2. Kxc7# (RKb8=BH!) (2…RKb8-a6?) (1…RHa6 2. Kc7#) –
Themes: 1. Three crosschecks after thematic key 2. Checks on the same square (c6) with dual avoidance 3. White minimal 4. Selfblocks. (Author) |
No.14 Julia Vysotska
![]() hs#3 2 solutions (7+5+2)
Neutral Bishop Locust e8
Neutral Rook Locust a7
I. 1.Bf8-e7 nLRa7*e7-f7 2.nLRf7*f4-f3 nLBe8*g6-h5 3.Qd6-f4 + nLRf3*f4-f5 #
II.1.Ra5-b5 nLBe8*b5-a4 2.nLBa4*b3-c2 nLRa7*a3-a2 3.Qd6-d3 + nLBc2*d3-e4 #
Creation of reciprocal neutral batteries nRL/nBL and nBL/nRL after specific captures of white and black pieces. Two white sacrifices on b5/e7 with attracton motive. Interchange of functions. My scheme from No.5, Page-2, is used. (Author)
No.15 Julia Vysotska
![]() hs#3* (3+7+2)
Neutral Locusts f8,g8
White Rook-Lion h8
1…Ra6 2.Sg2 Rf6 3.nLf8*f6-f5 + nLg8*g2-g1 #
1.Sf5 Ra5 2.Sd6 Rg5 3.nLg8*g5-g4 + nLf8*d6-c5 #
Four thematic sacrifices (2+2) of black Ra1 and Sh4 with a goal – attraction of neutral Locusts. Play of double (created with two forward pieces) mixed batteries nLO,nLO/Roou-Lion with interchange of functions between neutral Locusts. (Author)
The diagrams are made on WinChloe and it’s Echecs font is used for Logo design.
Excellent problem, though having so many fairy elements!
Neutral King is an unusual concept, but here it is very effective !
Dear Ram, I know your problem n13 from KoBulChess TT and thank you for your participation there. The problem was not awarded because the main thematic goal of your idea – expose to three checks key is detract of that in zugzvang problem the thematic mate 2.Kb7# is not only appear after 1…Sc6+, but also on 1…S~. Actually in Rex-solus problem the key 1.Kb6 even check expose is rather obvious. Also the repetition of 2.Kc7# is not so nice. I really hope that you will find a way to improve this problem somehow.
By the way I saw that many composers write “RK”or “rK” when indicated move or transformation of “normal” King in KoBul Kings condition. The correct is just “K”. The “r” means “Royal”, so it should be used only when the King is in phase of some piece – for example in the third variant of n13 the second white move should be: 2.K:c7(brS=rBH)# which means “white King capture the black Bishop-Hopper on c7 which transform black royal Knight into royal Bishop-Hopper”. Actually the mistake “rK” come from the output file in Popeye, because Stephen Emmerson (even that he is an excellent programmer) was not found how to avoid it and all “Kings” form are indicated with “r”. Nevertheless – this is not so important, I just tell you the story of “r”…
You are right. I noted that weakness. Cant think of any easy method.
About my n.12 – I don’t think that this is “big” composition, but I just thought how this battery mechanism can be called… It looks like direct battery in beginning, but on secon move became more close to ecto battery (actually masked ectobattery I think…)
About “neutral King” – actually I like all different type of Kings, they give some special posibilities.
No.12 I see various kinds of batteries and their transformations (direct, indirect, masked) but no ecto-battery. Well, that’s according to Juraj’s definitions at http://www.jurajlorinc.com/chess/theo28tt.htm
But the mates require a “specific” activity of a front battery piece which includes the annihilation of a black “mask” and the self-annihilation as well. What is this, a battery with a specific move of a front piece?
Or example with a Grasshopper and a Locust: wGa1, wLa2, bKa8, bPa6 – 1.La2xa6-a7+
What is this, an antibattery with a specific move of a front piece? Here is not important only the arrival square of wL but also the annihilation of bP on the antibattery line.
Interesting question. In your example, for instance, With WGa1 and BKa8, any piece arriving on a7 makes an anti-battery.
My view: A Locust on the ‘a’ file removing an intervening pawn/piece and arriving on a7 still makes it an anti-battery only.
About N 14 – Julia : A very good problem with surprising sacrifices of white Rook and Bishop on b5/e7! I can name this reciprocal interception nRLO/nBLO with battery-creation “Distant Grimshaw”, because these interceptions are realized on two different squares – on c2 nBLO closes nRLO but on f3 nRLO closes nBLO! We can write ” Distant Grimshaw c2/f3″
. If we speak for nRLO and nBLO specially, this combination seems as very fine when the play contains active sacrifices (as moves Rb5/Be7 in Julia`s problem!).
Therefore, it is interesting to try an analogical combination but with active sacrifices from both sides (for example – minimum one white and one black :sacrifice in every phase.).. I recommend work mainly in genres H# and HS#.
By the by , obviously very good possibilities hold out also work with half-neutral pieces.
Thank you! Do you mean – one more half-move by black? 3,5 moves are not easy….
Bravo Julia for your n14 which is very good improvement of your n5 scheme. Well done!
To N 13 from Seetharaman Kalyan. In my opinion, KoBul Chess is an excellent new fairy condition! My analyses in tis direction showed that in direct mates it is not easy (even impossible!) to demonstrate sufficient interesting play with strong limited white material. Therefore on this arena in a “Rex solus” #2 we cannot await miracles and in Seetharaman `scheme obviously sufficient improvements are objective impossible.
I can recommend as contents in KoBul Chess direct mates a play with more thematic variations with more captures. Why captures? The answer is not difficult: because after already every capture follows change of King`s phases. These changes create very interesting and non-standard situation on the board.
Therefore, in KoBul Chess Rex solus probably can “work” better in other genres, for example h#, hs# , in combination with other fairy conditions etc. But in every case, here a longer play is needed – minimum 3 moves.
An other aesthetic principle here : if in your problem you have, for example fairy mens from type “Х” and “Y”, it would be desirable to transform at least the King of one side in phases “X” and “Y”.
I congratulate Seetharaman! He shows huge activity as the commentator and as the author. I wait from Kalyan many new materials in this excellent Julia`s site!
Thanks Petkov for your comments. I realised that no improvement will be possible as Rex Solus. So my suggested improvement was to add WSf8 instead of BPd7. Now the Key 1.Kb6 ! has a thematic threat 2.Sd7# !. So only checks defend ! (BH g2 can be moved to h2 to provide a non defending move RHh1 to black).
N.15 is a nice problem. Neat echo from the set play. Excellent ! You could have entered it for the theme tourney. Not participating ?
I suppose, both 14 and 15 show the theme of the present theme tourney !
No.15 Julia Vysotska – An interesting problem in which the “special battery”, created from two neutral Locusts and w.Rook -Lion plays attractive! Probably, it is the first composition from this kind (with set and solution!) in HS# genre. Meredith – form here is also a sufficient plus – it is a signal for good technique! Congratulations to Julia!
But, in almost every compositions there are here some small minuses and I think, that it would be useful to turn attention to them . In initial position, black Rook a1 stands not and not absolutely well on fields а1 – it very removed from the action arena.The black Rook stands not scantily active on a1 – actually, it is isolated from the central scene of problem and it is obviously that this figure we should included immediately in play. Therefore, the isolated black .Rook here hints in big degree what can be black key – moves. Eventualny centralization by this figure would be a good idea in an eventual new version. Probably is interesting to put black Rook on the 8th horizontal, masking the initial battery!? A preliminary opening of the main battery- line here seems as small but nice additional motive. An other question here is also the role of black Bishop – it is a technical piece only, though at first sight it is necessary.
In my opinion, it i possible to improve still more this excellent problem and probably there are many methods, to make it..
As conclusion I can tell that this mechanisms have huge power and they promise splendid practical possibilities! .