Julia's Fairies

Original Problems (48)

Original Problems (page 48)

Original fairy problems published during 2012 will participate in the informal tourney JF-2012

The site is mostly about fairies, but h# and s# are also welcomed for publication! Please send your problems to my e-mail: julia@juliasfairies.com

Go to →List of Problems→Page 47 ;  Page 49

A problem No.100 ! I can’t believe it myself, but this is the day when I have to publish it! The last week I was thinking about whom to give this number.. and finally decided to use it myself! 🙂  
I’d like to dedicate this problem to all of you, dear authors, commentators, visitors! What I have done is really what we have done all together! Thank you !!

 – hs#3*  by Julia Vysotska Three active Queen-Chameleons! (JV)


Chameleon: On completing a move, a Chameleon (from classical standard type) changes into another piece, in the sequence Q-S-B-R-Q…  Promotion may be to a chameleon at any stage in the cycle.

You can сlick on “Solutions” to show or hide the solutions!


No.100 Julia Vysotska
Dedicated to all authors, visitors and commentators of this site!
hs#3*                                            (4+8)
Сhameleons: Qg4, Qh2, Qh7
Solutions: (click to show/hide)
Creation of black reciprocal batteries CS/CQ after critical moves of black Chameleons.
Interchange of functions between the both black Chameleons.
Thematic tries; chameleon-echo model mates. Meredith. (Author)

The diagrams are made on WinChloe and its Echecs font is used for Logo design

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Peter Harris
Peter Harris
August 21, 2012 23:02

Another great idea from Julia!
The version below uses two Locusts to reduce pieces from [4+8] to [5+4]
The eight squares adjacent to the bK are vacant.

whi kg5 se6 la8c2
bla ke3 pf7
whi chameleon qg4
bla chameleon qh7h2

Chameleon h7 g4 h2
Locusts c2a8

1…cQh7-h4=cS 2.Kg5-h5 f7-f6 3.cQg4-f5=cS + cSh4*f5=cB #

1.cQg4-e2=cS cQh2-h5=cS 2.Kg5-h4 f7-f5 3.cSe2-f4=cB + cSh5*f4=cB #

August 22, 2012 04:28
Reply to  Julia

Very nice idea indeed from Julia showing the black queens interchanging roles to form batteries. Chameleon echo mates and the different moves of black pawn f7 add to the variety, The different check to the black king is good too.

But I feel that the play is mostly around the white king, while the black king is tied up and ready to be checked. Perhaps the idea (except the part of white checking black) is better shown as a Helpmate I think.

August 23, 2012 12:32
Reply to  Julia

You are right. As a helpmate the white queen transformations would be lost. While a mobile black king will be welcome, what I meant was that none of the black moves set up the black king.

Peter Harris
Peter Harris
August 22, 2012 10:13

Dear Julia,
I suppose it was the sight of the stationary mass of four bPs and two wSs surrounding the bK which upset my aesthetic sense. However if you do not mind such an idea then perhaps you would like the following version. It has the merit that the units surrounding the bK are all Ps, there are no wSs and the only pieces are the three thematic. There are now two solutions and the condition ChameleonChess applies.
[Our opinions differ regarding the use of Locusts in my previous version].

whi kg5 qg4 pg3h3
bla ke3 qh2h7 pd2d3d4e2e4f2f3f7
hs#3 chameleonchess

1.Qg4-e6=S Qh7*h3=S + 2.Kg5-h4 f7-f5 3.Se6-f4=B + Sh3*f4=B #
1.h3-h4 Qh7*h4=S 2.Kg5-h5 f7-f6 3.Qg4-f5=S + Sh4*f5=B #

Peter Harris
Peter Harris
August 22, 2012 13:06

I forgot to mention the possibility of replacing the bPf7 with bSa7b7. The solutions being:
1.Qg4-e6=S Qh7*h3=S + 2.Kg5-h4 Sa7-c8=B 3.Se6-f4=B + Sh3*f4=B #
1.h3-h4 Qh7*h4=S 2.Kg5-h5 Sb7-d8=B 3.Qg4-f5=S + Sh4*f5=B #
The bSs reinforce the chameleon theme very nicely.
I know that having two knights for one pawn will cause panic in some circles – but that is what I would choose!

Diyan Kostadinov
December 4, 2012 01:11

Dear Julia, I saw your problem n.100 just now. I like it! The change of functions between black cQs and the set form of problem is really nice!
About another versions:
-I agree with you that using of technical fairy pieces (as in the version with Locust) is not acceptable;
-The another version by Peter Harris is also not an improvement because there is lost the nice change of functions by the black cQs.
About the replacement of bPf7 with two cSs – this is not good in my opinion because in both solutions one of this Knights is idle. This is not an good option…
So in conclusion – I think that the original published problem is the best choice.
By the way – Seetharaman Kalyan really use this mechanism for H# problem as he noted above and dedicated it to you. Here is the link: http://kobulchess.com/en/problems/chameleon-50-jt-2012-originals/144-chameleon-jt.html

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