Original Problems (page 6)I’ll publish some of my problems here and I’d be happy to receive yours! Diagrams, comments, new ideas, anything to discuss – are very appreciated! The site is mostly about fairies, but h# and s# are also welcome! Please send your problems to my e-mail: julia@juliasfairies.com Go to >>> Page 5; >>> Page 7 |
I’m happy to welcome a new authors at the site:
No.18 – hs#3* by Alex Levit – interesting miniature with KoBul Kings (this condition is becoming very popular here!). By the author’s words, it is his first try in the both – hs# genre and KoBul Kings condition.
No.19 – hs#4,5 by Mihail Croitor – author believes that it would be good to make it in 5 moves, but couldn’t do it for now. Same time he has a question to the specialists – what should be improved? – either more moves, or 2 solutions? What would be more valuable?
No.20 – hs#3.5 – one more problem by Alex Levit – composed after receiving comments for No.18. Author believes, that this problem is significantly better to compare with No.18.
And my own original, neutral Locusts again:
No.21 – h#2 by Julia Vysotska – captures by the neutral Locusts in all moves!
See the all Definitions in Fairy Terms section or click the fairy piece or condition below to go right to its definition on that page:
Locust(L), Rook-Locust(LR), Bishop-Locust(BL)
No.18 Alex Levit
![]() hs#3* (4+3)
KoBul Kings
Bishop locust a7; Rook locust b7
Lion c4
Setplay 1…rKf8-g8 2.LRb7*b6-b5 [brK=rB] rBg8*c4 [wrK=rLI] + 3.LRb5*b4-b3 [brB=rK] + rKc4*b3 [wrLI=rLR] #
1.LIc4-a4 rKf8-e8 2.LBa7*b6-c5 [brK=rB] rBe8*a4 [wrK=rLI] 3.LBc5*b4-a3 [brB=rK] + rKa4*a3 [wrLI=rLB] #
I just had a wish to try to compose something simple in a new genre for me -hs# and with a new fairy condition – KoBul Kings. (Author)
No.19 Mihail Croitor
![]() hs#4,5 (3+6)
1…Qf4-e5 + 2.Kd4*e5 [+bQd8] c6-c5 3.d2-d4 Kf2-e3 4.Ke5-d6 Ke3*d4 [+wPd2] 5.Kd6-e6 + Qd8*d7 [+wQd1] #
Unfortunately, couldn’t prolong this play till 5 moves for now. White creates battery Q/K with Annihilation motive. (Author, transl.by Julia)
No.20 Alex Levit
![]() hs#3,5 2 solutions (3+4)
KoBul Kings
Locust c1
Lions: b7,d6
1…Bb3-c4 2.Lc1*c4-c5 [brK=rB] rBe5-g7 3.Lc5*d6-e7 [brB=rLI] + Rf5-f7 4.rKb8-a7 ZZ rLIg7*e7 [wrK=rL] # (5.Li*f7[brLI=rR]?? self-check)
1…Rf5-g5 2.Lc1*g5-h6 [brK=rR] rRe5-e4 3.Lh6*d6-c6 [brR=rLI] + Bb3-d5 4.rKb8-a8 ZZ rLIe4*c6 [wrK=rL] # (5.Li*d5[brLI=rB]?? self-check)
Active and passive sacrifices of black, ODT, change of functions for black, zugzvang. It’s a pity that Lions doesn’t play (have no moves) in the solution, however are actively used. (Author, transl.by Julia)
No.21 Julia Vysotska
![]() h#2 b) pf2->d7 (4+6+2)
Neutral Locusts f5, g5
1.nLf5*f4-f3 nLf3*e4-d5 2.nLg5*d5-c5 nLc5*f2-g1 #
1.nLg5*f4-e3 nLe3*e4-e5 2.nLf5*e5-d5 nLd5*d7-d8 #
Half-battery play. Captures by the neutral Locusts in all moves! Double annihilation of 2 pawns with line opening, reciprocal Zilahi, interchange of functions between Locusts, model mates. Meredith. (Author)
The diagrams are made on WinChloe and it’s Echecs font is used for Logo design.
A nice problem ! I think that You have fairy-talent, Alex! Continue to work on this arena!
More concretely, here the surprising creation of white anti-batteries RLo/rLi and Blo/rLi (plus interchange of functions!) in final phase of play is an excellent idea! In this aspect I can say that the application of fairy pieces RLo, BLo, Lion is an achieve which deserves interest for the future work in this genre!
In my opinion here is better to rotate position, for example: White: Kg1, Lie3, BLob1, RLob2 (4); Black: Ka6, Bc2, Pe2(3) Hs#3* KoBul. This position seems as minimal better because here exists theoretic possibility for promotion of b.P, with other words – the black Pawn is more active . Every hypothetical possibility for a Pawn`s promotion has value (in one or other degree), mainly – for solvers . Therefore, the composer should use such chance!
All pieces from the “Locust – family”, play more interesting and more surprising after active sacrifices of enemy pieces with goal – thematic Locust`s captures. According to this criteria, in Levit`s problem would be better if b.Bishop is captured after its preliminary move on square b6 (for example – Bf2-b6). But this recommendation is a general aesthetic rule, which is possible to realize in future practice, probably in longer HS# (3,5 4 4,5 moves etc) with analogical contents.
Petko, many thanks for your analysis! I’m agree that rotation of the position is a good idea. And no doubt the stationary bishop is the main weak point of the problem. Probably some extra pieces (and moves) should be added to make the bishop play.
Excellent problem from Alex Levitt who I believe is fairy new chess composition (though an expert Draughts composer). This original would have made any expert happy !
N.16 by Alex would have made a nice entry for the theme tourney. I have doubt. Do the problems published as originals here also take part in the theme tourney ?
No, Ram, problems from here doesn’t participate in the tourney. Although, maybe it would be good to organize something for this section as well.
Bravo Alex! Your first attempt to HS# stipulation and KoBul Kings condition is excellent! Very nice ODT and creation of anti-batteries with change of functions between white pieces. I hope to see more new fairy problems from you!
Thaks Diyan! I just send to Julia another hs# miniature with Kobul kings, lions and locust. Hope you enjoy it too.
Well done Alex! Your n.20 is great – rich and interesting thematic complex in perfect construction – miniature, position aristocrat and without technical pieces. The passive Lions are not serious weakness, because they have and important role in the thematic complex including nice KoBul Kings effects in mate pictures. I am happy that my fairy invention – KoBul Kings attracted your attention, because you looks very talented. Did you see the award of KoBulChess TT 2012? There are many nice problems of this kind.
A link to the award I’ve added to the definition of KoBul Kings.
But let me show it here as well: http://www.kobulchess.com/en/tournaments/awards/97-kobulchess-award.html
Yes I studied result of KoBulChess TT 2012 scrupulously. And then I decide that KoBul Kings is very interesting fairy invention. So many thanks for this Diyan!
My n.20 inspired by Petko’s n.16 with surprising zugzwang in both solutions.
Alex… Very nice problem. The zugzwang ending is really great ! That the black king gets converted thrice (including after the mating mve) in each solution is very special. Congrats !
N.19 by Mihail Croitor shows a nice idea… forming WQ/King battery. He feels that it might be better to increase the length. On the other hand I would like him to add a second solution. It may not be possible in this setting. But there could be another setting using the Battery idea alone.
N 21 – Vysotska. A problem from high class, probably – one of the best h#2 with such material! Congratulations to Julia!
This play of half-battery is very original and not easy for realization – we have here de facto triple Annihilation! In my opinion, very interesting and original is reciprocal Annihilation during the battery-line between the same forward battery pieces – Locusts. Such strange form of “Zilahi” (without use of other fairy conditions) is possible only with neutral or half-neutral pieces! Obviously, on this field the “Locust Family” works excellent! A future work on this field seems very fruitful, also at longer move-distances!
From other side, in N 21 we see super activity of neutral Locusts – they make 8 (!) moves in both solutions – a task which is probably difficult to realize in Meredith form with model mates.
No.21 is excellent. With simple motivation of clearing the third rank, the problem shows remarkable activity of the Locusts. I like the paradoxical return of the Locusts to the battery line. The mates can be arranged without this play also, so this adds a lot of interest to the solution.