Seetharaman Kalyan
From India. Age 71, retired. Composing directmates, helpmates and faires.
Many of the fairy conditions can also be imagined or defined as attributes (behaviour). For instance we have Circe pieces…
On No.1544 (NT)
# not an issue
On No.1540 (MS)
The problem is very nice with logical tries. But does the theme "Obstruction of knight" justify so many different fairy…
On No.499 (AO)
You are right Julia. I wrongly noticed a double guard for some other square (not d5, the black king square).…
On No.300 (MC)
Very nice battery transformations and line effects including bristols! Great problem ! But modes mates?
On No.300 (MC)
Thanks Nikola. I missed this !
On No.296 (SK)
Thanks Nikola. I noted that for the setplay 1....Rf8 2.e8B! to work black pawn on g3 is needed. Without it,…
On No.296 (SK)
Very nice problem ! The marine pieces of course resemble the Locust (as they should) with the added facility of…
On No.297 (JV)
There is a fifth underpromotion in the short setplay. 1...Rf8? 2. e8B ! (2.e8S?)
On No.296 (SK)
Difficult? I think it is easy to easy that the black rook has to hide and only the place to…
On No.296 (SK)