Gabriele Brunori
I like Popeye so much! I written a graphical interface for popeye (Scacchi Painter 2) but i have some question:…
On History of Popeye
Hi, I don't know if you know my graphical multiplatform interface for popeye: Scacchi Painter 2 You can find this…
On Batch scripts to run popeye
This is the version of n.78 by me: [img][/img] a) 1.Qe6-f5 LIa1-a8 2.Kg2-h1 Nd7-f3 # b) bPa5-->h2 1.Qe6-e5 LIa1-g7 2.Kg2-g1…
On Original Problems (34)
in the diagram, there is an error? the black king start from h1 or g1? in solution we have 7.kg1-f1…
On Original Problems (37)
before reading your comment i made this variation of my starting problem: (thanks to GM Petkov) BeginProblem Pieces White Kc1…
On Original Problems (34)
finally i founded a great position where: 1) the twins can be justified by model mates, 2) the technical piece…
On Original Problems (34)
dear seetharaman, me and my mate Valerio worked parallel in a similar matrix. the starting idea was from Valerio. About…
On Original Problems (34)