Julia Vysotska
Showing the full move then. Sorry, animation program shows just arrival square by default, or the both, departure and arrival,…
Thank you, Geoff! Some mistakes in animation after changes of color. Corrected! It was 2...Bxe4 in (b).
Oh, sorry, "2 solutions" added under the diagram. Thank you, Hubert!
Sorry, sorry, it's about visualization when a piece changes its color. Corrected now.
On The memories of Belgrade…
Thank you, Ram! No, it's not Salazar, and not the first my direct mate too. Have already had several tries…
Thank you, Shankar! It was my video, the first try. Of course, not the best quality of webcam, but I…
On WCCC2016 Unofficial Composing Tournaments: The Awards
I can already tell that the trajectory of Chameleon coming back to its initial square is accepted as rundlauf. 🙂
Thank you, Juraj! "Transmuting king" corrected. "Super-Andernach" name and definition was author's wish. But, agree, it might be superfluous, especially…
Thanks a lot to Dmitri Turevski for a very quick adding of Argentinian pieces to animation program (py2web)!
Thinking about Tzuika's Rundlaufs... Should be the length of the problem 4 moves minimum? 4 moves by the one piece…