Julia Vysotska
Now! I'm sorry for a long delay! https://juliasfairies.com/award-jf2022i-crisan/
On Happy New Year 2024!
On No.1796 (NSR)
Thanks a lot! All done!
On No.1763 (NT)
Corrected the 1st move to N8b7. I can give departure rank or file for the moves where needed. Will check…
On No.1763 (NT)
Thank you, Kjell, corrected! Sorry, for the Proca retractors I just copy authors' solutions and comments without getting into them.
On No.1757 (KW)
Corrected, thanks!
On No.1760 (NSR)
Thanks, Sébastien!
On No.1744 (JV)
I also gave this link in the definition section above the problem. Maybe some shorter version of the definition could…
On No.1743 (KB)
Yes, yes, after a long break have forgotten some tricks of publication 🙂 corrected, thank you!
On No.1735 (DN)
Corrected, thank you, Siegfried!
On No.1731 (AG&DP)