Julia Vysotska
No.429. A very pleasant problem! I'd like to comment it in another words: In a): On the second black move…
On No.429 (PAP)
Most of us didn't realize at the very beginning what a terrible tragedy has happened... while there're 4 victims in…
On Tragedy in Riga, November,21st
Yes, Diyan, I agree about Original Problems. But honestly for now I have a static page with a list of…
On JF Fairy Terms db
Yes, will do! Will need some help probably with filling in those databases.
On JF Fairy Terms db
Have changed the font color to black. Is it better?
On JF Fairy Terms db
I have a feeling that Fairy Terms section would be a better place to continue the discussion opened by Peter's…
On JF Fairy Terms db
I fully agree with Peter. We should think about it: either the definitions by inventors or implementation by programmers is…
On No.420 (PH)
Diyan, thanks to you I've finally understood the reason of the difference two programs give in a case of combination…
On No.420 (PH)
I believe, the rule that that orthodox pawns may promote to orthodox OR chameleon pieces is not so "unfortunate"! A…
On No.420 (PH)
Thank you, Bala! I've added some more fairy elements and will try to permanently add new. I've changed the order…
On JF Fairy Terms db