The AWARD of “Vladimir Zabunov – 85 MT”

The AWARD of “Vladimir Zabunov – 85 MT” is published on!


“Here is the Award of the Vladimir Zabunov – 85 MT 2014! The tourney was announced in 2013 which was the 85 anniversary year of Zabunov’s birthday. I thank all participants and congratulate the awarded composers! Many thanks to the judge IGM Petko Petkov for his Award which is open for claims for next 30 days.”
(Diyan Kostadinov)

Thanks a lot to the judge, Petko A. Petkov, and director of tournament, Diyan Kostadinov!

Mémorial Denis Blondel – postponed till 30-Apr-2014

Phenix_logoMémorial Denis Blondel – postponed for 3 months (April 30, 2014)

In order to honour the memory of Denis Blondel, deceased on 21th June 2012, Phénix organizes a composing tourney in two sections :
Section A) : all types of problems with only one type of fairy piece, which will be either the Rose or Locust.

Section B) : all types of problems with one or two types of fairy pieces, which will be the Rose and Locust.

See full announcement in English and in French!


mt120-ae-annMT120 ARNOLDO ELLERMAN -2013

The Argentinian´s Union of Problemists of Chess announces the tournament of composition MT120 Arnoldo Ellerman.   →See full announcement!

Will be awarded: Prizes, books,honourable mentions and commendations. The preliminary award of tourney will be sent to participants by e-mail and will be published on the website of Unión Argentina de Problemistas de Ajedrez (UAPA)

PDF version of the Award JF-2012

JF-LOGO-1In the middle of December, 2013, the Award JF-2012 became final without any objections! Now I’m happy to offer to you PDF version of the Award JF-2012 for download or print. 

Also, I’d like to mention, that our judge, N.Shankar Ram, has helped me a lot with the diplomas, and thanks to him authors of all awarded problems will get their diplomas soon! Diplomas I’ll send by email in PDF format, but Prize winners will get also printed diplomas by postal mail. Thank you for your patience!