56th WCCC & 37th WCSC in Batumi!

56th WCCC & 37th WCSC in Batumi!

56WCCC-logoThe 56th WCCC & 37th WCSC in Batumi
22nd-28th of September, 2013!

(29.09) Two new Awards available: Award 1° Azemmour and 4th Bulgarian Wine Tourney 2013 ! Congratulations to the winners and participants!

(28.09) I don’t see any official announcement yet, but have heard that the next Congress will take place in BERN, Switzerland, in the end of August 2014. 

(27.09) Composing tourneys – almost nothing is published… I have only  11th Tzuika Award and VODKA TOURNEY – 2013 is published on A.Selivanov’s website.

(27.09) Problems & Solutions are added for Open Solving. WCSC results are published at WFCC website! Congratulations to the World Champion – Piotr Murdzia! To the team’s Champion –  Poland! And to all other medal winners and participants!!

(25.09) For now I know just two things about the Congress:  it was raining in Batumi the first days; and the results of Open Solving Tournament Batumi, 23rd September 2013, are just published at WFCC website! Congratulations to the winners – Ofer Comay and Arno Zude! And congratulations to all participants!

I wish to all participants of the meeting to have a great time in Georgia! Quick composing competition is waiting for you already tonight, and an Open solving competition the next morning will continue to keep you up! I wish a good luck to composers and solvers in these first competitions, I admire the ability of solvers to go through a very hard two days of WCSC on 24th-25th of September, I wish to all of us to be successful in the composing competitions announced for the 56th WCCC! 

I’d like to invite the participants of the Congress to send your comments and maybe some photos of the events – I’d be happy to publish them here!

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Nikola Predrag
Nikola Predrag
September 25, 2013 19:09

I would like to know what’s new in the rules wich discriminates Arno Zude as not a winner. Perhaps alphabet?

September 25, 2013 20:40

Very gracious of Julia to offer apologies. “Joint Winners” will describe them better. Because of the tough Selfmate 6, almost everybody consumed the allotted 180 mts. I think.

Manolas Emmanuel
September 29, 2013 02:36

Thanks for the info and your wishes (all of us to be successful).
I have seen an award for 1st Azemmour here :

I think that the flow of news from WCCC, Batumi, was very poor.

Manolas Emmanuel
September 29, 2013 08:24

And a link for the award in pdf : http://www.onkoud.com/IMG/pdf/Award_1o_Azemmour.pdf

Manolas Emmanuel
September 30, 2013 01:26
Reply to  Julia

…and the News page is sending us to the Akobia site!

September 29, 2013 13:40

If the Congress official website intended to publish official information, they would have published the results of Open Solving and WCSC, wouldn’t they?

The WFCC meeting minutes will probably be published on WFCC website in two weeks or so and you, Julia, will be the first to know 🙂

Some decisions were announced on the Internet or by email by friends who attended the congress:
– 2014 Congress at Bern (Switzerland) August 23-30. The other candidates were Serock (PL) and Sochi (RU)
– 2014 ECSC at Herceg Novi (MNE) in the end of April 2014, organized by Russia.
– Some new titles – the list is far from complete: Abdelaziz Onkoud and Yuri Akobia IM in composing; Vlaicu Crisan, Nicolas Dupont and Diyan Kostadinov FM in composing.

Kostas Prentos
Kostas Prentos
September 29, 2013 18:08
Reply to  Julia

Julia, you have to trust me on this. You are not responsible by any means for any lack of information from the Batumi WCCC. It is usually the Congress organizers who post an online version of the final bulletin on their website in due time. Although, in this case, it seems that the bulletin will not have all the information you are looking for. My guess is that the composing tourney organizers will find a different way to communicate the full results of their tourneys with all the participants, maybe through your (or their) website or by email.

The detailed minutes of the Congress are usually published later on the WFCC website. Maybe a brief summary of the minutes will appear in a few days. I think the best thing to do is to be patient and the information will come in one or another way.

September 29, 2013 18:20
Reply to  Kostas Prentos

Congratulations to Kostas too : he has also obtained the title of FM in chess composition.

Kostas Prentos
Kostas Prentos
September 30, 2013 10:29
Reply to  Eric

Thank you, Eric. You must be getting close to this title, too.

September 29, 2013 20:53

Congrats Julia on winning a prize in the latest Bulgarian Wine tourney also ! Keep it up!

Manolas Emmanuel
September 30, 2013 19:39

The post of my blog with WCCC awards is updated with Sabra 16 Award: here.

peter harris
peter harris
May 20, 2015 10:48

By chance last week I saw the Awards of the 4th Bulgarian Wine Tourney 2013. In Section A 24 problems were awarded. They were all h# except 1 # and 4 hs#.

hs# problems are not so easy to make.

The conditions were the combination of T&M and Anti T&M.

Composers tried to make as many captures [with rebirths] as possible. There were problems with 12 and 16 consecutive captures.

I am writing about one of the hs#. It has “only” 4 captures.

I sometimes come across a problem and think to myself: it is so wonderful but unless it appears in The Album or in a Collection it will be forgotten and “lost”. This is sad but I realize it is happening all the time. I am not writing this Post to prevent this!

I am writing in case some have not seen the problem or who saw the problem but did not fully appreciate it – which can happen when one plays over 33 Awarded problems.

The problem I write about is Nikola Predrag’s hs#3 with 2 solutions that won 6th Prize.

[imgcomment image[/img]

A bP captures the wQ. The P promotes once to a R and once to a B. The Q follows on behind. In each solution the wS moves to block the wK and to guard g6 and the wK moves to position itself for the mates. [There is a Black P move to block the wK and a bR move to position itself]. The foregoing is in preparation of the last two beautiful half-moves: a check by the wQ and bR and bB moves that are compelled to be captures of the g2 and f2 pawns with moves to the 4th rank to mate the wK with the wf2 and g2 Ps following behind moving to the 3rd rank – one parrying the check. Finally there are unguarded bPs adjacent to the wK but he cannot escape check by capturing them.

The play is exhilarating.

It is amazing that Predrag conceived such wonderful overall scheme and brought it to fruition.

Nikola Predrag
Nikola Predrag
May 20, 2015 18:14
Reply to  peter harris

Thanks Mr.Harris for the nice words explaining the play.
I might just add that wPg3 is needed in the end of 1st solution to prevent 4.Kxg4-f4(bRg3) (if wP would “remain” on g2). So, the apparent Bristol effect in the mating move is functional in both phases as it is in the capture of wQa5.

I had a more ambitious idea with neutral pieces but Popeye is rather “buggy” about that.
The simplified scheme offered more room to enliven the play.
(The main motivation of idea was to show T&M+Anti-T&M capture of a Pawn, which is possible only on the original Panwn’s square.)

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