Original Problems (page 17)I’ll publish some of my problems here and I’d be happy to receive yours! Diagrams, comments, new ideas, anything to discuss – are very appreciated! The site is mostly about fairies, but h# and s# are also welcome! Please send your problems to my e-mail: julia@juliasfairies.com Go to >>> Page 16 ; >>> Page 18 |
Welcome to Zoran Janev!
This page is dedicated to FAIRY INNOVATIONS I’ve got from Zoran Janev (Macedonia). I’ve to mention that these conditions are not programmed, so the example-problems are not computer tested.
No.41 – POWER CAPTURE – Zoran Janev. Author’s words: An idea of my brother’s son Naum (who is only 12 years old) where I’ve standardized the rules and made an example.
No.42 – DIRECT-HELPMATE – Zoran Janev.
No.41 Naum i Zoran Janevi
h#2 (4+6)
Power Capture
1. Kxa1, a2; Lxh2, Lxe5, Kh2; 2. Lxe4, Lb1; Lxd4# –
No.42 Zoran Janev
dh#3 (2+10)
1. Lb4 ! (2. Lxc3#);
1…; La2+; 2. Ka3; Lb1; 3. Lxc3#;
1…; Lc2+; 2. Ka3; Lb1; 3. Lxc3#;
1…; e4; 2. La5; Lf8; 3. Lxc3#.
The diagrams are made on WinChloe and its Echecs font is used for Logo design
No.42 is interesting. But is it not cooked as dh#2? After white’s first move, there is a H#1, so no question of black defending.
It is not some good problem – it is only an example of the idea.
I think you did not understand my question.
Now, I think that I understood your question: the definition of dh# is not good; well, maybe you are right; but, the definition may be different (good or not so good) – I think that the idea is correct and original.
No.41 is a new idea. I have a question: After a capture move, if that side has no legal move, is the capture move permitted or not ?
If, in any moment, side which is on turn has not a legal move – it is auto-stalemate.
In dh#: if there is another stipulation different from dh# – there would not be a solution, or there would be many solutions; that’s making the stipulation /dh#/ a specific one.
Mr.Zoran Janev:
I think the “directhelpmate” can be explained as below:
White starts and aims to reach a position where there is a h#1. Until this position is reached black will defend. Once this h#1 is reached, black stops defending and plays out the h#1.
According to the above, in problem no.42, when white makes the first move a position is reached with h#1 readily available. So black will stop defending. Therefore the black second move checks given in the solution are not correct, as the problem is solved after white’s first move. That is why I said the problem is cooked in two moves.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
Maybe you are right; but, I repeat: this problem is only a formal example of the idea; if the stipulation is not dh#, this problem would have more solutions (for instance: 1. Lf6 !).
Anyway, I think that the stipulation dh# gives great opportunities for different themes and ideas in chess problems with the stipulation dh#.
I just saw up:
By your definition of dh#:…White starts and aims to reach a position where there is a h#1. Until this position is reached black will defend. Once this h#1 is reached, black stops defending and plays out the h#1…; By that, after Lb4 !, position of H#1 is reached, and black may not defend himself further, but plays h#1; so, your definition of dh# is not good;
By my definition of dh#:…White moves first, and black defendes himself, until the last move, when black and white play h#1…, in dh#3, in the firs two moves, black defend himself, and in the third (THE LAST) move, black and white play h#1; so, my definition of dh# is good;
Am I right ?!
It is understadable that /Power Capture/ is the most general condition of it’s type – there are many variations of /Power Capture/; for instance: 1. /Power Capture Strict/ – white/black can move (with any it’s piece) until it captures, and cannot move extra move without capturing; 2. /Single Power Capture/ – white/black can move a series of moves and one extra move without capturing, but only with it’s piece which makes capture, not with any other piece; 3. /Single Power Capture Strict/ – white/black can move a series of moves until it captures, but only with it’s piece which makes capture, not with any other piece, and cannot move extra move without capturing; 4. (etc., etc.).
The variations of /Power capture/ are numerous, and there is no need to be presented all of them particulary, with examples, but it is understable that chess composers can make problems with any of this variations of /Power Capture/, if they have idea for a chess problem with some variation of /Power Capture/.
In the latest issue of Springaren (June 2012) Kjell Widlert writes about help-directmate. This condition was used in composing tourney of Andernach meeting 2012. In this article there are some beautiful ideas of this new condition.
Is it available online?
I didn’t know that; whatever – no metter whose is this idea (hd#) – it is very interesting idea !
By me, it is not important which idea is whose – important is the fun !
Anyway, I respect people with original ideas !