Originals April 2021(2)

Originals April 2021(2)

JF Original Problems | April 2021(2)

The judge of JF-2021-I: not appointed yet.
The judge of Retro & PG problems 2021-2022: not appointed yet

Coming soon: nobody in the waiting list…

  • (16.04) No.1604 (hs#4 AP) János Csák & Gábor Tar (Hungary). AP Valladao.
  • (13.04) No.1603 (PG 3,5 ending with triple check mate / Add pieces ; Circe Parrain, Point Reflection) Pierre Tritten (France). For the animation purposes the initial game array position is shown on the diagram instead of the empty position sent by the author. The task is to find 2 final positions.
  • (10.04) No.1602 (#2 ; Breton) Thomas Maeder (Switzerland). “The mechanism reminds of 1365. The play looks less orthodox here because…” (Author)
  • (08.04) No.1601 (hs#2 ; Masand) Julia Vysotska (Latvia). “6 & 4 for Marjan’s Birthday!” – a cooperation without sacrifices starts from the initial position on 6×4 squares ; 6 pieces of each color ; 4 half-moves of each color ; and some little tricks… with a Happy Birthday wishes to Marjan Kovačević!

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe‘s graphics, Christian Poisson

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