Invitation to Dresden: 60th WCCC & 41th WCSC

WCCC2017_logo60th WCCC & 41th WCSC

Dear all,
We proudly inform you that the official web site for the 60th WCCC /41st WCSC held in Dresden (August 05-12, 2017)  is online — please use it for information on the event and for registration.

The address is

Thank you very much for your support, and see you at Dresden! ∼ Thomas Brand

WCCC Official Composing Tourney (Concurrently 222nd Schwalbe Theme Tourney)

Theme: Fairy #3 – #8 with Dresden idea:

A strong defence by one black piece is eliminated, but another, yet weaker defence by a second black piece, newly brought into play, substitutes for it. Depending on how the strong defence is eliminated there are three main types of the Dresden theme.

Judge: Jörg Kuhlmann | Closing date: Sunday, 16 July 2017, 12:00 p.m., by entering problems directly to the directors Gunter Jordan and Sven Trommler, using this mail address: | See full announcement (PDF)

13th ECSC in Riga!

ecsc2017riga-logoThe Latvian Society for Chess Composition, in co-operation with the Riga Chess Federation, has the honor of inviting the European national teams and individual solvers to participate in the 13th European Chess Solving Championship. The event will be held from Friday, May 12th to Sunday May 14th, 2017, at the Radisson Blu Daugava Hotel, in Riga.

Directors of the competitions: ECSC: Luc Palmans (Belgium), Open solving and Solving show: Vidmantas Satkus (Lithuania), Baltic Combined: Ilja Ketris (Latvia).

Please, register by March, 31st at the  ECSC 2017 Official website. See you in Riga!

2. Retroblog Thematurnier – C16.04.2017

2retroblog-ex12. Retroblog Thematurnier 25.12.2016 – 16.04.2017

Stipulated are Proca defensive retractors with Anticirce Cheylan condition showing following theme: In a selfmate the squares at 8th row are occupied in a way that the mating move is only possible by Pawn capture to the first row (thus a specific modafinil promotion). (It is not a dual, if a Pawn may promote to different pieces or more than one Pawn may promote.) ?See the Announcement (PDF)

Controller: Thomas Brand | Judge: Andreas Thoma | Closing date: 16. April 2017 | Prizes: books

37th RIFACE, the results

st-germain-au-mont-d-orSee the RESULTS of the 37th RIFACE (Rencontre Internationale en France des Amateurs de Composition Echiquéenne) which took place from Friday, May 13, 2016 to Monday, May 16, 2016 at Saint-Germain au Mont d’Or.

The 1st HM in Retros has been cooked, after the final judgment, by François Labelle with : 1. d4 a5 2. Ff4 a4 3. h4 axh3 4. Fd6 hxg2 5. Ch3 g1=C 6. f4 Cf3+ 7. exf3 h5 8. Fe2 Th6 9. O-O c6 10. Rh2 Db6 11. Fc7 Td6 12. Tfg1 g6 13. Df1 Fe1 14. Tah1 Ch6 15. c4 O-O-O-O” (Jérôme Auclair).