Variantim to tourneys

Dear Friends,

The announcement of V A R I A N T I M is added to the Tourneys section!

Сompetitions at V A R I A N T I M

Bulletin of

The Israel Chess Composition Society


Judge  2012: Petko A. Petkov

Judge  2013:  Christopher Feather    

send  to: 

Michael Grushko, BOX  363  Kiryat Bialik  27019

→See the whole announcement


My dear Friends,  
One of the most significant chess-events of the year is coming –  just one month left till

The 55th World Congress of Chess Composition (WCCC)
and 36th World Chess Solving Championship (WCSC)
in Kobe, Japan!

The Congress takes place from September 15th to September 22th, 2012.
(WCSC on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 18th and 19th.)

Attention: Composing tourneys are starting to appear there!

I like how the WCCC2012 site is decorated with the sakura-like flowers and colors.