JF 10 JT (C10.02.2022)

JF 10 JT (C10.02.2022)

JF 10 JT

Julia’s Fairies is pleased to announce the Jubilee composing tournament JF 10 JT
Dedicated to 10 years of JF (10.04.2012-10.04.2022)

Let’s find and show something the best of what we know the best!

The background: on April 10th, 2022 the JF website will celebrate its 10 years. see/hide more…

ThemeUnpin of any kind. The unpinned piece may be white, black or neutral, and unpinning may be done by any side, in any way: interposition, withdrawal, K move, etc. For this tourney, we define a pin to be a situation where a random move by one piece would cause its own K to be in check from one or more enemy pieces = the pinner(s). An unpin is any move that eliminates this situation, including self-unpin (the pinned piece makes a move that eliminates the pin) but excluding captures of the pinned piece that remove it from the board. 


Stipulations for three sections: (A) #2-4; (B) h#2-4; (C) hs#3-4
Maximum number of pieces: 15

Fairy pieces and conditions: The idea of the tournament is to present most popular fairy pieces and conditions of the last 10 years. Problems should have at least one fairy piece or fairy condition, and at most two different fairy pieces/families, and/or at most two different fairy conditions from the lists below. Any other fairy pieces or conditions are not allowed.

See/hide accepted fairy pieces and conditions

Number of entries per composer: 3 entries per composer in total, in one section only or spread over several sections.

Joint problems: Allowed; a joint work counts as 1 for the group of composers, and less than 1 for each of them (if there are 2 composers of the joint problem, it’s counted as 0.5 entry for each).

Deadline: February 10th 2022

Judge: Kjell Widlert

Tournament director: Julia Vysotska
Please, send computer tested problems only (indicate the program used for testing), to julia@juliasfairies.com

Results and prize giving: May 15th 2022 in Riga, at the closing ceremony of the 15th ECSC.

Prize fund 450 : Three prizes in each section, each prize €50.

See Examples in the PDF announcement JF10JT. Welcome to take part!!! – Julia

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Juraj Lörinc
November 11, 2021 22:53
Reply to  Julia

Thank you very much Julia. I can’t say now if I use two added pieces, but I appreciate putting piece families on the equal footing.

November 12, 2021 20:58

Nice theme and great prizes !

Last edited 3 years ago by Seetharaman
November 12, 2021 21:12

Seems more than two types/family of neutral pieces are allowed, which is anamalous

shankar ram
shankar ram
November 13, 2021 17:44

Dear Julia,
Advance wishes for the 10th birthday of JF!
Regarding the piece restrictions for the JT, I think they are quite clear. However, in the case of neutral, royal and chameleon types, which are piece attributes, there may be some ambiguity. Maybe you can mention that they apply only to orthodox pieces and cannot be combined with the other allowed piece types and families. Examples: Neutral Grasshopper, Royal Zebra. And also with each other. Example: Royal neutral chameleon!

seetharaman kalyan
seetharaman kalyan
November 16, 2021 08:12
Reply to  Julia

Thanks Julia. This was also my doubt

shankar ram
shankar ram
November 19, 2021 14:13

It might be interesting (and enlightening!) to compare the definitions of Pin and the related “Antipin” from recent issues of Conflictio:

  • JF-10JT announcement:
  • For this tourney, we define a pin to be a situation where a random move by one piece would cause its own K to be in check from one or more enemy pieces = the pinner(s). An unpin is any move that eliminates this situation, except when the pinned piece captures the pinner, or the pinner captures the pinned piece.
  • Conflictio 25:
  • Pin: The effect of a line-piece that prevents an opposing unit from moving due to a subsequent exposed (illegal) check. This can also be rephrased. Pin is a setup where a piece cannot depart from a specific square or line as this would result in the illegal self-check. In this way, a move along the pin line (Pelle move) is allowed.
  • Repelling or Antipin : … a setup where a piece cannot arrive to a specific square or line as this would result in the illegal self-check.
  • Conflictio 28:
  • Pin:
  • Pin of a unit is an arrangement of the line unit (pinning unit) on the line with two units of the opposite side, of which the first unit (pinned unit) shields the second unit (more valuable) from attack and as a consequence the pinned unit is limited in its mobility.
  • Pin is an arrangement in which the unit cannot leave the square or track it is occupying, as this would open the check to own king.
  • Pin is an arrangement in which the mobility of a unit is limited by self-check on the departure square.
  • Antipin:
  • Antipin is an arrangement in which the unit cannot enter the arrival square or track as this would turn on the check to own king.
  • Antipin is an arrangement in which the unit mobility is limited by the selfcheck or repelling on the arrival square of the move.

I suppose “Unantipins” are not thematic for the JF-10JT? 😉

Last edited 3 years ago by shankar ram
November 25, 2021 17:03

Whether HS#3 with set play 2.5 allowed?

Juraj Lörinc
November 26, 2021 16:46
Reply to  Julia

Thank you for reminder. Just yesterday I have finished one possible entry for the tourney and now I know I have no entry as there are many more pieces on the board. So back to work 🙂

Andrew Buchanan
Andrew Buchanan
February 5, 2022 03:18

In the definition of pin, by “a random move by one piece” do you mean “any move by one non-king piece”?

shankar ram
shankar ram
February 5, 2022 10:20

Kings and other Royal pieces are also included since they can unpin themselves. While a King may not look at a Cat, he can most definitely unpin himself! 😉

Last edited 3 years ago by shankar ram
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