Munich Fairy Chess Tourney 2022 – С130922

Munich Fairy Chess Tourney 2022 – С130922

Munich Fairy Chess Tourney 2022

The mpk-Blaetter announces the Munich Fairy Tourney 2022 with the theme Influencer chess. Problems of any stipulation are required (direct-, self-, reflex-, help-, helpself-) with any target (-mate, -stalemate, -arrival square, -castling, …) or proof games, all alternating or in series, with any move number on a 8×8 board.

See the definition and examples in PDF Announcement (German & English).

The theme is free. | Further fairy pieces or fairy conditions are not accepted.
Judge: Manfred Rittirsch | Tournament director: Rolf Kohring | Closing date: September 30th, 2022
Submissions should be sent to (preferred) or Rolf Kohring, Bolkamer Straße 5a, D-83104 Tuntenhausen, Germany.

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shankar ram
shankar ram
June 25, 2022 21:10

I thought the treatment of Kings was missing in the definition, but it’s there!

Last edited 2 years ago by shankar ram
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