JF Original Problems | April 2021
The judge of JF-2021-I: not appointed yet.
The judge of Retro & PG problems 2021-2022: not appointed yet.
Coming soon: nobody in the waiting list…
- (05.04) No.1600 (hs#4) Vitaly Medintsev (Russia). A very human friendly problem for the end of Easter holidays!
- (05.04) No.1599 (h#2.5 ; Mars Circe) Armin Geister & Daniel Papack (Germany). “Hidden behind a massive position there is a complex strategy with dual avoidances.” (Authors)
- (05.04) No.1598 (hs=2 ; Neutral piece, Chameleon piece, Locust ; Haaner Chess, Circe Parrain) Karol Mlynka (Slovakia). Would rather see such twins as different problems.
- (05.04) No.1597 (PG 21.5 ; Fuddled Men) Nicolas Dupont (France) & Vlaicu Crișan (Romania). “Both sides apparently castled short, although…” (Authors)
- (01.04 😀) No.1596 (hs#3.5) Aleksey Oganesjan (Russia). “Distant Grimshaw with funny twin – be smile on April Fools’ Day!” (Author)
Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe‘s graphics, Christian Poisson