Originals June 2023

Originals June 2023

JF Original Problems | June, 2023

The judge of JF-2023: K. Seetharaman
The judge of Retro & PG problems 2023-2024: Thierry Le Gleuher

The order of publication might be not the same as in the waiting list: the problems easy to test and to animate, C+, and those without additional questions to composers will go first.

  • (30.06) No.1756 (hs#3 ; Protean Chess) – Bruno Stucker“64 variations to checkmate the white king”. The animation is made only partly, for the first 26 twins. The full solution together with Author’s comment is attached as PDF.
  • (29.06) No.1755 (#2 ; LEO, PAO, VAO, MAO, MOA ; Take & Make Chess) – Ralf Danck“The work was inspired by a problem of H. Gockel (The Problemist 2010, 1st Pr.).” Warm welcome to Ralf!
  • (23.06) No.1754 (h#2 ; Immune Chess Rex Inclusive, Take & Make Chess) – Petko Petkov“Complete Cycle in the play of three white pieces…. This idea in Meredith form is here presented for the first time.”
  • (20.06) No.1753 (h#2 ; Bicaptures Rex Exclusiv) – Manfred Rittirsch“The fairy tournament of the recent RIFACE meeting (see announcement) was not a great success (only 4 entries according to Jérôme Auclair, including just a single h#), and I retrieved only 2 helpmate examples using the fairy condition Bicaptures Rex Exclusiv from the WinChloe database Echecs. However, the condition lingered on, and I was happy to find something very specific”.

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe‘s graphics, Christian Poisson

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