No.325 |
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No.325 by Paul Rãican – A strange and difficult PG-play! (won’t participate in the current tourney JF-2013-II, but most probably – in a special tourney for this type of problems for the whole year 2013). (JV)
Multicaptures Chess: A piece (including royal piece) can be captured only if it is directly attacked in at least in 2 ways. Otherwise, it is invulnerable. (the theme of the Christmas Tournament 2006-07).
No.325 Paul Rãican
![]() PG 11,5 Multicaptures (14+13)
Solution: (click to show/hide)
Is the definition correct. Attacked at least twice, NOT capturable, otherwise INvulnerable. ??
Oh, sorry! The definition is corrected now!
Multicaptures genre is checked by WinChloe only (I guess).
Now, it is completely checked by Jacobi.
Bc8 is missing on the diagram position !
Original author’s diagram doesn’t have Bc8 –
So, I’m waiting for Paul’s comment if it should be there…
Obviously, a bBc8 is missing. Thank you, Nicolas.
I’ve corrected the diagram (+bBc8), and number of pieces (14+13).