Definitions: (click to show/hide)
Active chess: The move which does not change position of pieces on the board is illegal (Condition offered by the author: in Popeye this is the default behavior, but in WinChloe such condition would exclude solutions with the moves to the own squares).
Rose-Hopper(RP): Moves, captures on Rose lines (Rose(RO): (1,2) Octagonal Rider (extents the move of the Knight on a circular path e.g. a4-b6-d7-f6-g4-f2-d1-b2 or a4-c5-e4-f2)) by jumping to the first square after a hurdle.
Royal piece: Piece that executes a function of the King on the board.
No.1081 Georgy Evseev Russia original – 27.05.2016 “Merry-go-round” Dedicated to N. Shankar Ram
Solution: (click to show/hide)
white RPc2f4
black royal RPe7
h#11 (2+1) Active Chess Rose-Hopper c2,f4 Royal Rose-Hopper e7
1.rRPe7-b4 RPf4-a2 2.rRPb4-e1 RPc2-g2 {(2. ?? RPa2-d5 3.rRPb4-e7 RPc2-g6, etc.)} {
} 3.rRPe1-h4 RPg2-g6 4.rRPh4-e7 RPg6-c6 5.rRPe7-b4 {(compare with position after first move)
} RPa2-d5 6.rRPb4-e7 RPc6-g6 7.rRPe7-b4 RPg6-a6 8.rRPb4-f4 RPa6-e2 9.rRPf4-c7 RPd5-a8 {
} 10.rRPc7-c3 RPe2-b5 11.rRPc3-c7 RPa8-e8 # {
(C+ by Popeye 4.75, "Active Chess" is Popeye's default behavior; C+ by WinChloe is excepted in a case of implementing "Active Chess")}
“Active Chess” indeed is programmed in WinChloe, under condition “Coups nuls interdits”. The problem is also C+ by WinChloe 3.34.
Juraj, many thanks!
I still do not know a good way to find if something rare is supported in WinChloe (unfortunately, most French words mean nothing to me).
Juraj is our wikipedia really!
I’d appreciate everybody’s suggestions how to present such kind of problems better. To show kind of “virtual” condition with a comment how it is represented in different programs? Like, “Active Chess”: no conditions in Popeye, “Coups nuls interdits” in WinChloe? Or just “+Coups nuls interdits (WinChloe)”? This is not the only case when adding some conditions unifies the behavior of two programs, Popeye and WinChloe.
Georgy, would you like me to make any changes to the presentation of your problem?
Well, I prefer any rules details to be specified directly if possible.
So in this case I think there is no need to change definitions, but in can be written:
C+ (Popeye (default), WinChloe (+Coups nuls interdits))
Thank you for the dedication, Georgy!
Nice merry go round, indeed, with the 2 WRHs finally corralling the BRH.
How about an orthogonal echo – BRHe8, WRHc7/g7?
Unfortunately, only one checkmate position exists. I had 8-move helpmate with two solutions, but had decided that interesting play is more valuable. I was not even near to chameleon echoes.