6 Comments No.1704Borisas Gelpernas & Thomas Maeder(Lithuania / Switzerland)(v) 1704.1 Borisas Gelpernas & Thomas Maeder & Jacques Rotenberg (Lithuania / Switzerland / Israel)Original Fairy problemsJF-2022-I:01.01.2022 - 30.06.2022 Definitions / Определения +/- Russian translationconditions'Breton Adverse'условияBreton Adverse:When a piece is captured, another piece of the same type and color as that of the captured piece (if there are any) has to disappear.При взятии фигуры другая фигура того же типа и цвета, что и взятая (если таковая существует), должна также исчезнуть. No. 1704 Borisas Gelpernas & Thomas Maeder Lithuania / Switzerland original - 11.04.2022inspired by No.1699 white Ka6 Be5 Pb7 black Kg8 Qb8 Rc8d8 Bh6a8 Sh7 Pg2d5f7d7f4 h#2 2 solutions 3+12 Breton Adverse Solution: (click to show/hide)1.g2-g1=R! b7*c8=S[-g1] {([-bRd8]?)} 2.Rd8-f8 {(Bh6-f8?)} Sc8-e7 # 1.g2-g1=B! b7*a8=Q[-g1] {([-bBh6]?)} 2.Bh6-f8 {(Rd8-f8?)} Qa8*d5[-f7] #(C+ by Popeye 4.87) No. 1704.1 Borisas Gelpernas & Thomas Maeder & Jacques Rotenberg Lithuania / Switzerland / Israel version of No.1704 - 19.06.2022inspired by No.1699 black Pf2 Ra2e8 Ka6 Bc7g8 Sb7 white Kh3 Bc5 Pf7 h#2 2 solutions 3+7 Breton Adverse Solution: (click to show/hide) 1.f2-f1=R f7*e8=S[-f1] {([-bRa2]?)} 2.Ra2-a5 {(Bc7-a5?)} Se8*c7[-g8] # 1.f2-f1=B + f7*g8=Q[-f1] {([-bBc7]?)} 2.Bc7-a5 {(Ra2-a5?)} Qg8-c4 #(C+ by Popeye 4.87)
@Julia: The link on the begin page for 1704 point to 1699.
Thanks, Joost, corrected!
With wKc2 and wBc3: bPf4 can be saved!
This comes for the price of a pinned white bishop.
I am not convinced that this is necessarily better.
Thomas, I sent you a mail, did you receive it ?
a technical point :
you can think about a mate on a8 with black reaching g5 in 2 moves :