Julia's Fairies

No.1704 (BG&TM)

Borisas Gelpernas & Thomas Maeder
(Lithuania / Switzerland)

(v) 1704.1 Borisas Gelpernas & Thomas Maeder & Jacques Rotenberg (Lithuania / Switzerland / Israel)

Original Fairy problems
01.01.2022 - 30.06.2022

Definitions / Определения

No. 1704 Borisas Gelpernas &
Thomas Maeder

Lithuania / Switzerland
original - 11.04.2022
inspired by No.1699

white Ka6 Be5 Pb7 black Kg8 Qb8 Rc8d8 Bh6a8 Sh7 Pg2d5f7d7f4
h#2            2 solutions            3+12
Breton Adverse

Solution: (click to show/hide)

No. 1704.1 Borisas Gelpernas &
Thomas Maeder &
Jacques Rotenberg

Lithuania / Switzerland / Israel
version of No.1704 - 19.06.2022
inspired by No.1699

black Pf2 Ra2e8 Ka6 Bc7g8 Sb7 white Kh3 Bc5 Pf7
h#2            2 solutions            3+7
Breton Adverse

Solution: (click to show/hide)

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Joost de Heer
Joost de Heer
April 12, 2022 08:37

: The link on the begin page for 1704 point to 1699.

Hubert Gockel
Hubert Gockel
April 12, 2022 12:19

With wKc2 and wBc3: bPf4 can be saved!

Thomas Maeder
Thomas Maeder
April 13, 2022 16:45
Reply to  Hubert Gockel

This comes for the price of a pinned white bishop.
I am not convinced that this is necessarily better.

Jacques Rotenberg
Jacques Rotenberg
April 27, 2022 02:50
Reply to  Thomas Maeder

Thomas, I sent you a mail, did you receive it ?

Jacques Rotenberg
Jacques Rotenberg
June 19, 2022 17:15

a technical point :
you can think about a mate on a8 with black reaching g5 in 2 moves :

  • knight b7->b5 would control a7
  • rook a2->b5 would disappear after 1…f7xe8
  • rook e8->b5 (with 1…fxg8) is not possible due to the bishop c5
  • bishop g8->b5 is forbidden by the pawn f7
  • f2->b5 would give check to the white king
Last edited 2 years ago by Jacques Rotenberg
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