No.553.1 |
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No.553 by Vito Rallo – A nice masked white Excelsior! (JV)
No.553.1 by Vito Rallo & Seetharaman K. – A joint problem by two authors as rather improved version of No.553 with two Excelsiors! (JV)
No.553 Vito Rallo
original – 07.06.2014
![]() Solution: (click to show/hide)
No.553.1 Vito Rallo & Seetharaman K.
Italy / India
version of No.553 – 24.06.2014
![]() Solution: (click to show/hide)
Nice idea. But, Is it not possible to have a black pawn c3 promoting to rook on c1? Now, Rh2 and Sf2 can both be replaced by a black pawn h5.
hm….. It can be a miniature.
white Pg6e2 Kg5
black Ph4g7 Ke6 Rd4
Black pawn promoting on ‘h’ file is even better I think.
I think it will be possible to make the black moves also an Excelsior making the problem a double Excelsior. I found a slight modification of the scheme which will make it possible. If Mr.Vitaly wants I can send it to him, but the scheme still needs improvement.
Send it to me, we can do a join
Well… here is a possibility. You can make it as a 6.5 if you dont want the pawns masked !
Do you agree this ? If ok can send it as version to Julia
Vito Rallo & Seetharaman
White Pd6 Kg5 Pg2; Black Pd7 Ph7 Sc4 Pg4 Kh2
Hs#8,5 – (3+5) C+Popeye Windows-64Bit v4.67 (2548 MB)
1…Sc4*d6 2.Kg5*g4 Sd6-f7 3.Kg4-h5 d7-d5 4.g2-g4 d5-d4 5.g4-g5 d4-d3 6.g5-g6 d3-d2 7.g6-g7 d2-d1=R 8.g7-g8=Q Rd1-h1 9.Qg8-g3 + Kh2*g3 #
solution finished. Time = 1:25:48 h:m:
Double excelsior, double opening lines with pawn capture.
Why not start with BSf7 & wKh5?
With more moves can not control with winchloe and Fancy takes a long time.
Can you do it?
with Bsf7 & wKh5 we have the same solution. I think it’s just a matter of taste.
Here is another version.
White Ph6 Kg5 Ph5 Pe2
Black Ph7 Ke6 Pc4 Re4
HS#7 C+
1.e2-e3 Re4-d4 2.e3-e4 c4-c3 3.e4-e5 Ke6-d5 4.e5-e6 c3-c2 5.e6-e7 c2-c1=R 6.e7-e8=Q Rc1-c5 7.Qe8-e6+ Kd5*e6#
There is only one black excelsior, but in 6 moves.
Thanks Alexandr. I made a similar suggestion in my second post. Miniature with white excelsior and black rook promotion!
white Pg6e2 Kg5
black Ph4g7 Ke6 Rd4
HS#6.5 1…h3 2.e4 h2 3.e5 Kd5 4.e6 h1=R! (h1Q?) 5.e7 Rc1 6.e8=Q Rc5 7.Qe6 + K*e6 #
The following Miniature is possible – with only 6 pieces and 2 Excelsiors with R-promotions:
1.b4 f5 2.b5 f4 3.b6 f3 4.b7 f2 5.b8=R f1=R 6.Rg8 Rh1 7.Rg2+ Kxg2#.
I believe it looks better because there is no Q-promotion that is rather “obvious” in such positions. But in my opinion these Miniatures are in high extent mechanical because of monotonous Pawn’s moves to the promotion’s square… Therefore I think that the theme “Mechanical Excelsior” cannot be miracle in fairy chess through the fact that such problems are nice in optical aspect…
Petkov’s magic ever comes out in any position; just witness how the Q promotion gets replaced by the R!
1 – 5 . b8=R c1=R 6.Rg8 Rh1 7=Rg2+ Kxg2#
Probably this position is even better, because here all Pawns have possibilities for moves, but in this case we must answer to the question: What role has Pc7? Of course for Excelsior because there are no time for other play…:)
Thanks Petkov.. I thought of something similar (not so economical!) but Vito Rallo seemed more interested in line opening for the excelsior pawns (though that does not make the solutions more difficult).
My position was with the WP on the a-file hs#6.5. The rook promotion of the white pawn did not strike me !