No.554 by Petko A. Petkov – With this problem author proposes a new theme – Chameleon Trio (shown for the first time?) – where three different Chameleons in a different phases step on the same square! Enjoy a complicated strategy, rich thematic complex and detailed author’s comments! (JV)
Anti-Andernach: A piece (excluding King) changes its color after any non-capturing move. After capture, the piece retains its color. Rooks on a1, h1, a8 and h8 can be used for castling, provided the usual other rules for that move are satisfied. After castling, Rooks do not change color, If White makes a non-capturing move with neutral or halfneutral piece, that piece becomes black and vice versa.
Chameleon: On completing a move, a Chameleon (from classical standard type) changes into another piece, in the sequence Q-S-B-R-Q… Promotion may be to a chameleon at any stage in the cycle.
No.554 Petko A. Petkov
original – 08.06.2014
hs#4,5 2 solutions (5+5) Anti-Andernach Chameleons: Sa4, Bf7, Rg4, Qg6, Bg7, Bh3
I. 1…cQg6-e6=cS=w! 2.cSe6-f8=cB=b cSa4-b6=cB=w! (not 2…. cSa4-c5=cB=w?) 3.cBg7xf8=cR Kf5-f6 4.cBb6-c7=cR=b cRg4-g3=cQ=w 5.cBf7-g8=cR=b+ cRg8xf8=cQ # (not 5…cRc7-f7=cQ=w? – self-check!)
II. 1…cQg6-f6=cS=w! 2.cSf6-g8=cB=b cSa4-c5=cB=w! (not 2…. cSa4-b6=cB=w?) 3.cBf7xg8=cR Kf5-g6 4.cBc5- e7=cR=b cRg4-h4=cQ=w 5.cBg7-h8=cR=b + cRh8xg8=cQ # (not 5…cRe7-g7=cQ=w? – self-check!)
(C+ by Popeye 4,67)
I think that here is realized a new and paradoxical theme which can be called “?hameleon Trio“. The definition: “In a solution (or in a variant) on the same square “x” steps at least 3 different chameleons (white or/and black, neutral etc.) in a different chameleon phases!”
The ?hameleon Trio is demonstrated (probably for the first time) in the solution I this way: The thematic square is “f8”. At first, on f8 steps a black Chameleon in B phase (after a move 2.cSe6-f8=cB=b); at second, on f8 steps a white Chameleon in R phase (after a move 3.cBg7xf8=cR); at third, on f8 steps a black Chameleon in Q-phase (after a move 5…cRg8xf8=cQ #). Analogical play is demonstrated in the solution II on the square “g8”. The ?hameleon Trio theme is combined in this problem with the following other strategical themes and motives:
- Surprising sacrifices of the black Chameleon (cQg6) on the squares f8/g8.
- Reciprocal battery creation with interchange of functions between white cBf7/cBg7.
- Play of white indirect half-battery, created with the pieces cBf7/cBg7/Rh7.
- Unpins of the black cRg4 decorated with line opening of the cBh3 (after cRg4 has moved cBh3 keeps squares e6/f5. Its Chameleon-status is demonstrated on the mating move – cBh3 cannot play on the 8th file because of illegal self-check: 6.cBc8=cR=b??)
- Dual-avoidance theme realized by cSa4. Motivation of the both cSa4 moves, for example: in the solution I: 2…. cSa4-c5=cB=w? with idea 4.cBc5- e7=cR=b is not good because there is no mate – 6.cQg3-b8=cS=b!! – therefore the closing of the cQg3 is needed: right is 2…cSa4-b6=cB=w! and after 4.cBb6-c7=bR! the defense 6.cQg3-b8=cS=b is not possible! Analogical in the solution II the only right is 2…. cSa4-c5=cB=w! with idea 4.cBc5- e7=cR=b – the cQh4 is closed and the defense 6.cQg3-d8=cS=b!! is not possible!
- Model-mates. Meredith.
I hope that soon I will propose to the readers a more complete information about the ?hameleon Trio theme with a new examples! (Author)