Julia's Fairies

No.594 (LS&MD)

Ladislav Salai jr. (Slovakia) &
Michal Dragoun
(Czech Rep.)


Original Problems, Julia’s Fairies – 2014 (III): September – December

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No.594 by Ladislav Salai jr. & Michal Dragoun – An interesting task-problem with 8 different mates by the w.EQ! (JV)


PAO(PA): Chinese piece operating along Rook lines: moves as Rook, but captures only by hopping over a hurdle to any square beyond.

VAO(VA): Chinese piece operating along Bishop lines: moves as Bishop, but captures only by hopping over a hurdle to any square beyond.

Equihopper (EQ): Moves along any line over another unit of either color to a square situated such that the hurdle stands at the mid-point between the Equihopper’s departure and arrival squares. The English Equihopper cannot pass over an obstruction other than the hurdle when playing along Queen-lines. The non-stop/French Equihopper does not have this restriction. (the default type is English Equihopper)

No.594 Ladislav Salai jr. & Michal Dragoun
Slovakia / Czech Rep.

original – 04.09.2014

Solution: (click to show/hide)

white ke7 re1 bd1g1 pe2f2f5h4 eqa4 pab2h6 vad6e5 black kg2 sh1h8 pb3c3c4d4g4 pag6 vab8

#3                                       (13+10)
Equihopper a4
PAOs: b2, g6, h6
VAOs: b8, d6, e5

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Nikola Predrag
Nikola Predrag
September 5, 2014 03:49

I have no breath to comment the breathtaking content.

But I spent a lot of time in solving, wondering why the short solutions do not work.
Could someone explain the meaning of:
“Unless otherwise stated, the non-stop Equihopper is meant.”

September 5, 2014 07:06
Reply to  Nikola Predrag

I think when the piece is merely referred to as “Equiphopper”, we have to assume it is the non-stop variety (which is more commonly used).

Juraj Lörinc
Juraj Lörinc
September 5, 2014 07:28
Reply to  seetharaman

I understand this sentence the same way, and in my opinion it is wrong.

Simply: nonstop equihopper (equisauteur in French) is one piece – it cannot be interefered with. Equihopper (equisauteur anglais) is another piece – it can be interefered with. There should be no confusion and sentences like “unless” one just create confusion.

Georgy Evseev
Georgy Evseev
September 5, 2014 07:26
Reply to  Nikola Predrag

This means that single word “Equihopper” under diagram means “non-stop Equihopper”, and not “English Equihopper”.

shankar ram
shankar ram
September 5, 2014 07:35
Reply to  Nikola Predrag

A more clear definition would be: “.. unless otherwise stated, an equihopper is assumed to be of the non-stop variety..” 😉

But actually, during the 80s, in british sources like BCM and Problemist, an equihopper was assumed to be of the english variety and you had to explicitly specify if the french one was used – by giving the definition as “non-stop equihopper”..
Some cross channel rivalry.. 🙂

shankar ram
shankar ram
September 5, 2014 09:51
Reply to  shankar ram

Definitions apart, a fine task to achieve 8 mates in a 3# by a single non-stop E. I had done 11 mates in a 2# using “equisauteur anglais”.. feenschach, 1980s..

Nikola Predrag
Nikola Predrag
September 5, 2014 13:18
Reply to  shankar ram

Now I’m totally confused.
“…a fine task to achieve 8 mates in a 3# by a single non-stop E…”
Why 1.f3+ with 2.EQe4+ is not a mate if that is a non-stop EQ?

Michal Dragoun
Michal Dragoun
September 5, 2014 13:59

We used equihopper (equisauteur anglais), not non-stop equihopper. I will ask Julia for correction.

Nikola Predrag
Nikola Predrag
September 5, 2014 15:47

Thanks Michal, the geometry of 6 P-checks + 2 quiet K-moves is simply wonderful.

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