Original Problems, Julia’s Fairies – 2015 (I): January – June ?Previous ; ?Next ; ?List 2015(I) Please send your original fairy problems to: julia@juliasfairies.com |
No.798 by Karol Mlynka – .! (JV)
Disparate: If one side makes a move with a piece of type “x” (black, white, neutral, half-neutral, etc., King included), the other side cannot answer immediately by moving a piece of the same type “x”. (For example: white Qc1, black Ka8,Qa7 – mate in 1 move. After 1.Qc8#, Black is mated because 1…Qb8? is illegal. The mate is possible also with the neutral nQc1 – after 1.nQc8#. Black cannot move the same neutral Queen.) Every Pawn’s promotion is a Pawn’s move, therefore after such promotion (into any possible piece) the other side cannot answer immediately with its Pawn. We can say that after the move of the figure of type “x” any enemy figure of type “x” falls under Half-moving paralysis. This paralysis disappears immediately on the next half-move, if the opponent plays with another piece of type “y”. (This way it is implemented in Popeye. Another implementation of Disparate you can find in WinChloe, but it is based on the different rules. )
Pressburger King (Super-Transmuting King): King which definitively takes up the nature of the checking piece (and thus loses his royal status).
No.798 Karol Mlynka |
Solutions: (click to show/hide) |
White Ka2
Black Kf3 Pb2
h#2 2 solutions (1+1) |