Original Problems, Julia’s Fairies – 2015 (I): January – June →Previous ; →Next ; →List 2015(I) Please send your original fairy problems to: julia@juliasfairies.com |
No.795, 796, 797 by Kjell Widlert – Three interesting variations of showing the consecutive Albino! (JV)
Circe: Captured units (not Ks) reappear on their game-array squares, of the same colour in the case of pieces, on the file of capture in the case of pawns, and on the promotion square of the file of capture in the case of fairy pieces. If the rebirth square is occupied the capture is normal.
Anti-Circe: After a capture the capturing piece (Ks included) must immediately be removed to its game array square (necessarily vacant, else the capture is illegal). Captures on the rebirth square are allowed. Game array squares are determined as in Circe.
Diagram Circe: When a piece is captured (King excluded, unless otherwise stated), it must be replaced on the square it occupied in the diagram position if it is empty; otherwise, the captured unit vanishes.
Pser: This is the original definition by its inventor, Dan Meinking: A parry series-mover differs from a standard series-mover prior to the last move as follows:
- the series-side may give check during the series;
- when checked, the idle-side must immediately parry the threat;
- a parry-move may be helpful or defensive, depending on the problem-type (for example – in Pser-s# the parry-move is defensive);
- after a check-and-parry, the series-side continues the series.
Every Pser problem combines two stipulations:
Part 1 – Pser, which indicates the special series play with participation of both sides according to the author’s definition;
Part 2 – the kind of problem, according to well known stipulations, which can show direct play (n#, n=, s#, s= r#, r=, etc), help play (h#, h=, h==, etc) or mixed play (hs#, hs=, hs= =, etc).
(For more explanations about Pser see IGM Petko A. Petkov article “The Wonderful (new genre) Parry Series“)
No.795 Kjell Widlert |
Solution: (click to show/hide) |
white kf4 pc2
black ka4 sa3b4 ra5 lba6h2 lrg3
h#4 (2+7) |
No.796 Kjell Widlert |
Solution: (click to show/hide) |
white ke7 pc2e4
black ke5 sb5c5 pb3b4c4c6d3f4
ser-#14 (3+9) |
No.797 Kjell Widlert |
Solution: (click to show/hide) |
white kc4 bf7 se7 pc6d4e4e6g6
black kf6 pd7
pser-h#7 (8+2) |
Excellent ideas to show known themes in new forms ! Well done Kjell Widlert!
Kjell, recently I spent some days at Chris Feather’s home.
He showed me a letter with some of your searchs in Albinos but I didn’t notice these positions. So congratulation for this new contribution to an old theme. An interesting thing about the N°796. The final mate could happen in T&M also ! See my problem published in Phenix 245 dec. 2014 diag 7118 :
White : Kd6 Pd4é3
Black : Kç4 Sé6
h‡3 2 solutions (3+2) C+
Take & Make Circé échange
1.Sf4 Kd7 2.Kd5 exf4(e2;Se3) 3.Sc4 e4#
1.Sc5 dxc5(d3;Sd4)+ 2.Kc3 exd4(c2;Se3) 3.Kd4 c3#
Ideal mates in echo.