Julia's Fairies

No.869 (KS)

ksoljaNo.869, 869.1 
Kenneth Solja 


Original Problems, Julia’s Fairies – 2015 (II): July – December

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No.869[out of the tournament due to incorrect solutions] by Kenneth Solja – A combination of Back-to-Back and Face-to-Face conditions in a play of fairy neutral pieces! (JV)

No.869.1 by Kenneth Solja – This problem replaces No.869 and shows Back-to-Back alone with the same fairy neutral pieces. (JV)


Moose(M): Moves like a Grasshopper ((0,1)+(1,1)Hopper , but deflects 45° either way on passing over the hurdle. The arrival square is adjacent to the hurdle.

Sparrow(SW): Moves like a Grasshopper ((0,1)+(1,1)Hopper , but deflects 135° either way on passing over the hurdle. The arrival square is adjacent to the hurdle.

Grasshopper(G): Moves along Q-lines over another unit of either color to the square immediately beyond that unit. A capture may be made on arrival, but the hurdle is not affected.

Back-To-Back: When pieces of opposite colors stand back-to-back with each other on the same file (white piece is on the top of black!), they exchange their roles. A pawn on the first rank cannot move. Any piece can make an en passant capture when it has got a role of Pawn by Back-To-Back.

Face-To-Face: When pieces of opposite colors stand face-to-face with each other on the same file (black piece is on the top of white!), they exchange their roles. A pawn on the first rank cannot move. Any piece can make an en passant capture when it has got a role of Pawn by Face-To-Face.

No.869 Kenneth Solja

original – 18.08.2015
Dedicated to Tadashi Wakashima

Solutions: (click to show/hide)

white ka1 black kf2 neutral pd2c3a6 ma5 swg5

h#2            3 solutions       (1+1+5)
Back-to-Back; Face-to-Face
Moose a5
Sparrow g5

No.869.1 Kenneth Solja

version to No.869 – 30.08.2015
Dedicated to Tadashi Wakashima

Solutions: (click to show/hide)

white ka1 black kf3 neutral pa6c3d2g3 ma5 swg5

h#2              3 solutions       (1+1+6)
Moose a5
Sparrow g5

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August 27, 2015 18:42
Reply to  Julia

Indeed it seems that the intention of the 2nd solution is not sound.
Besides, the problem seems cooked. Try testing it with Popeye 4.73 and cooks in 1.5 moves will appear, such as:
1…nPd2-d4 2.Kf2-e2 nPa6-e1 #

Kenneth Solja
Kenneth Solja
August 27, 2015 18:32

Only explonation I have is that Pd2 is black neutral, because black only can promote to the first rank.

Kenneth Solja
Kenneth Solja
August 27, 2015 18:41

WinChloe found only one solution:
1.ELna5-d3 ELnd3-é1 2.d2-d1=Dn+ Dnd1-é2‡
Can neutral pieces do so much difference?

Georgy Evseev
Georgy Evseev
August 28, 2015 06:38
Reply to  Julia

Yes, both second and third solution have an “invalid promotion” on the mating move. Also, it should me marked that in the third solution the second black move is c3-d1 – there is an ambiquity, as two pawns may promote on d1, even though the alternative promotion is illegal.

shankar ram
shankar ram
August 28, 2015 14:04

In Raumschach (3D 5x5x5 board), Black starts from top of the board and White from the bottom. So Tadashi has to tell how to apply b2b and f2f here! Maybe top-to-top or bottom-to-bottom..? 😉

Kenneth Solja
Kenneth Solja
August 28, 2015 18:01

Julia, I will send you another instead of this which is base to the same idea. There is only Back-to-Back -condition.

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