Julia's Fairies

No.878 (TL)

Torsten Linß (Germany)

Warm welcome to Torsten in Original Problems section of JF !


Original Problems, Julia’s Fairies – 2015 (II): July – December

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Please send your original fairy problems to: julia@juliasfairies.com

No.878 by Torsten Linß – Interesting twins with a change of exotic fairy pieces. (JV)


Princess(PR): Combines Bishop and Knight (B + S).

Empress(Em): Combines Rook and Knight (R + S).

Helix Knight: Similar to the Nightrider, but the 1:2 jumps are not on a straight line, but on a helix around an orthogonal line. Example: Helix Knight al moves a1-b3-a5-b7 or a1-c2-a3-c4-a5-c6-a7-c8, checks the enemy King on c8, if the relay squares are empty, and checks the enemy King on a5 simultaneously on different routes (thus multiple pins are possible).

Diagonal Helix Knight(DS=Diagonalspiralspringer): spirals around diagonals instead of vertical/horizontal lines.

No.878 Torsten Linß

original – 28.08.2015

Solutions: (click to show/hide)

White Kh2 PRa2e6f6 Black Kd3 PRd1

s#7                                           (4+2)
b) Princess→Empress
c) Princess→Diagonal Helix Knight
Princess a2, e6, f6, d1

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Juraj Lörinc
Juraj Lörinc
September 6, 2016 21:05

Outstanding and kind of unbelievable. Obviously silicon, but outstanding and kind of unbelievable nevertheless.

shankar ram
shankar ram
September 7, 2016 18:47

Torsten’s “Silicon Rose” had to wait for over an year for a comment!
I too seem to have missed seeing it at that time…
As Juraj said – unbelievable is the word: 3 edge of the board model mates from the solitary black rider. With great unity:
1. Twinning method
2. Final quiet moves by WK
3. The mates are by a pinned rider capturing its pinner

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