Julia Vysotska
Yes, right, in Popeye Bucephale(BU) (=Root-25-leaper): (0,5 or 3,4) Leaper. The definition is corrected!
On No.902,903 (EB)
Corrected! Rao instead of Nao. Nikola, I know, the db of fairy definitions needs to be updated/corrected. I'm just out…
But of course, Australia! Sorry, my mistake, thanks!
On Award JF-2014/III
Sorry, of course h#2, corrected, my mistake!
On No.898 (GF)
I've just updated the presentation of this problem to a new one with Stephen's help. I should say the program…
On No.896 (SE)
"Also interesting is that the py2web animation works, without disturbing the other half! It is amazing, that the both "halves"…
On No.896 (SE)
A figurine for Nao turned to the right. Thank you, Shankar!
I've agreed with Nao that it will look to the right! Thank you, Georgy! Dear authors, readers, your corrections are…
On Award JF-2014/II
Oh, right, I'm lost in Magic Squares! 🙂 The rewarded problem is No.578!! Corrected.
On Award JF-2014/II
Sorry, my mistake, Magic Squares were correct, but the rest of diagram was from No.578 instead of 578.1. Corrected now!…
On Award JF-2014/II