Julia Vysotska
Oh, thanks, the definition of Einstein Chess and the twinning is added! I've missed it, sorry! But I have tested…
On No.621 (SL)
Pawns bPa5/d4 are moved from No.612.1 by request of Laco Packa, after
On No.612,612.1 (KS&LP)
I like thematic and specific for Annan Chess final positions in No.615: (1) On the white move the both neutrals…
On No.615,616 (OS)
Quotation of the email from Arnold Beine: "In the announcement of my birthday-tournament Bjørn Enemark found a cook in "Example…
On Arnold Beine 60 JT
Agree with the comments above. Yes, I've seen the virtual play in the 2nd solution, and I wish I could…
On No.606 (JV)
Great "chess-cake"! For the last 3 years, since I'm in chess composition, I feel as I have two celebrations -…
On Happy birthday to Julia!
When I've looked at the problem for the first time, I had a feeling - what a fine work!! The…
On No.597 (FP&DM)
I couldn't sleep after that amount of critics! 🙂 Seriously, I have no idea how people compose direct mates.. same…
On My Participation in WCCC2014 Tournaments
Reading this comment I had a feeling as if my birthday has already came.. What can I say? THANK YOU,…
On My Participation in WCCC2014 Tournaments
I've found my definition was really wrong. Corrected now. The default type is English Equihopper, the one used here. I'm…
On No.594 (LS&MD)