Julia Vysotska
Chameleon Chess condition doesn't work in Popeye 4.63. It is seen in the solutions. Hopefully, Chameleon Chess will be fixed…
On No.491 (PH)
Sorry, my mistake in initials.. SKB of course! I've corrected the name of the page now!
On No.487 (SKB)
It is implemented! But as many others is not included in the manual. I know it from Thomas - you…
On No.483,484 (TP)
The announcement itself is what I've published. 🙂 I've just added a link to the Springaren website for more information…
On Springaren Winter Tourney 2013-2014
Corrected, it is g6! Thank you, Kenneth! Was preparing this one at night...
On No.472 (PAP)
János, you made me think... In your version there're some things I like and I don't like. 1) Yes, this…
On No.463 (JV)
I still prefer 2 my original solutions, as in your version there're 2 thematic half-moves in the first 2 solutions,…
On No.463 (JV)
Thank you, János! I understand your intention, I also tried to get 2 more solutions, but have got just exactly…
On No.463 (JV)
Sorry! Pc7 must be Pb7. My mistake! Will be corrected after few hours...
On No.445 (VC)
I'm too much praised and so much touched with your mails and comments! Yesterday's evening couldn't find words to answer..…