Julia Vysotska
Changed to 56 moves in the both, stipulation and solution. Have also added C+ as tested by Joost de Heer.
On No.1640 (JM)
Stipulation / solution are given the way as composer sent. Any corrections - by composer's direct request.
On No.1640 (JM)
Once published problem shouldn't be erased I believe. But I can add a comment to it for the judge about…
On No.1614 (OD)
sorry, corrected to "2 solutions" Anticipated (WinChloe ID = 492079), see the comment by Václav Kotěšovec https://juliasfairies.com/problems/no-1614/#comment-52779
On No.1624 (SL)
Oh, thank you, Shankar, you read in all languages! 🙂
On FIDE ALBUM 2016-2018 – Results in Fairy section
corrected 8+8, thanks!
On No.1610 A&B (“RS”)
Like this? Have corrected Ra6, Bg4, Dummy [excl. pawn], but still I show it as rotated P - I have…
On No.1627 (JM)
and after all, for the animation I need to have departure squares! Replacing ç and é would be much easier…
On No.1617 (MC)
The both corrections to the animation are done! Thank you, Kostas, Jacques! (for the animation I've made long English notation…
On No.1617 (MC)
Oh, corrected, thank you, Shankar!
On Originals May 2021 (2)