Julia Vysotska
Correction: C+ with WinChloe using 'Circe Couscous' + 'La promotion précède la capture' (by the Author)
On No.1607 (JH)
Oh, sorry, the link to FCC project corrected!
On No.1607 (JH)
Corrected, thank you, Joost!
On No.1602 (TM)
Sorry, as I wrote above the problem and in the post announcing the problem, it had to be empty diagram…
On No.1603 (PT)
Thanks and sorry for the mistake, corrected!
On No.1600 (VM)
Oh, sorry, left it in my pocket 🙂 Click on the image, now it works!
On Award JF 2018/II (Kjell Widlert)
Sorry, Czech Republic is the correct version!
On No.1586 (MD)
The author has sent un update to solution/comment for no.1578.1: "Cycle of white moves (ABC-BCA-CAB)". The publication updated!
On No.1578 (ST)
And now the animation for the solution is ready! Enjoy! Thank you for your patience! Happy New Year to everybody!
On No.1577 (JML)
Diagram and pieces mentioned below should be correct now. The animation will appear later tonight. I'm very sorry for the…
On No.1577 (JML)