Some comments about the battery-play in the problems below
No.1 – the indirect white battery, which plays along the 4th horizontal
No.2 – the creation and play of the white batteries B-R and R-B
No.3 – the black battery plays along the 8th horizontal and transforms
No.4-7 – the anti-batteries, which are possible only in the fairy problems
The interesting ideas in fairies:
No.6 – non-standard theme with the self-blocks of the neutral piece, which is used in the anti-battery creation;
No.7 – another rare theme – the preventive anti-battery, where the whites can’t prevent the mate as they can’t play on the thematic line – if they do, it would create a black anti-battery with the illegal self-check for whites.
In the future posts I’ll write more about these and some other non-standard themes and ideas which figure in my unobtrusive fairy-repertoire..
And now – to the problems…..
1. Helpmates
Julia Vysotska
The 14th Sabra TT – 2011
![]() –
I. 1.Sf3 Se3(1…Sxd2?) 2.Se1 Sf1#
II. 1.Bxc4 Bxd4 2.Bf7 Bf2#
ANI-problem: 2 solutions with anti-identical contents in thematic attitude; the both Knights (Sc4/Sd4) which are captured in the first phase, make all half-moves in the second phase; annihilation captures on c4/d4; Bivalve-theme realized by Be6/Sd4; a try with S-self-pin in the first solution; an additional line-opening for Rf8 executed by the wBf6 in the second solution.
This is really the 2nd my problem, composed during the nights of 22-23rd of August, 2011, for Sabra Tourney in Jesi.
Julia Vysotska
The Problemist Supplement – 2012
![]() –
I. 1.Se2 Re4 2.Kc6 Rb4 #
II. 1.Se6 Be5 2.Kc5 Bc7 #
Bivalve with additional line-opening for the white forward piece which creates a battery. Aristokrat-problem.
2. Fairies
Julia Vysotska
Уральский Проблемист – 2012
hs#3 b) +bSb8 (7+4)
a) 1.Bb5 Bc7+ 2.e8=S Bd8 3.Sf6+ Bxf6#
b)1.Bc6 Sd7+ 2.e8=B Sf8 3.Bg6+ Sxg6#
Opening of a black battery-line, white under-promotions, transformation of black B/R battery through replacement of forward piece during battery-line, creation of a Dentist-mechanism. Meredith.
Julia Vysotska
Probleemblad- 2012
h#2 2 solutions (7+5) Kangaroos: d2, e2
I. 1.Sxd2(A) KAe6 2.Se2(B) Be4#
II. 1.Sxe2(B) KAh6 2.Sd2 (A) f4#
Zilahi, Umnov, Critical KA-moves, cycle AB-BA of black self-block moves, creation of anti-batteries, Meredith.
Julia Vysotska
The Problemist – 2012
hs#2,5 2 solutions (6+9) Lions b7, f3
I. 1… f1=B 2.LIb4 Be2 3.LIf4+ Bxf3#
II. 1… f1=LI 2.LIh3 LIb5 3.LId7+ LIxb7#
Creation of reciprocal white anti-batteries (Lion-Lion), black under-promotions, model mates.
Julia Vysotska
StrateGems – 2012
h#2 2 solutions (5+5+2)
Neutral Grasshoppers: c5, f5
I. 1.Q×c5 Sc3(A) 2.Qf8 Sd3#(B)
II. 1.Q×f5 Sd3(B) 2.Qf2 Sc3#(A)
Creation of bi-color anti-batteries S/nG, Zilahi theme, distant self-blocks of the neutral Grasshoppers, cycle AB – BA of the white moves. Meredith.
Julia Vysotska
Tehtäväniekka – 2012
hs#3 2 solutions (6+7)
Kangaroos: a8, e8
I. 1.Rd5 KAf3 2.gxf3 Ra6 3.Qe6+ Rxe6 # (not 4.Re5?? – illegal self-check from KAe8, because of creation of the preventive anti-battery on vertical “e” !)
II. 1.Re5 KAe3 2.dxe3 Ba4 3.Qc6+ Bxc6 # (not 4.Rd5?? – illegal self-check from KAа8, because of creation of the preventive anti-battery on diagonal a8-h1!)
Specific mates using Q and KA on the one line, with the impossibility for white to prevent checks because of anti-batteries creation, double white self-block, change of functions of black pieces, reciprocal sacrifices of black KA, model mates.
My dear readers, I’d appreciate your comments! Also, I’d like to invite you to send your own ideas and problems for this topic – I’d include them into this post.
The diagrams created at ankona – – prime site for organizing chess problems: diagram images, cataloging and solving interface.
Excellent examples! About helpmates: as you note that No1 is just your second composed chess problem it is interesting to see the improvement of your skills (the first example can be made even in Meredith form, but the next helpmate is crystal clear realised). About the fairies: all of them are excellent! You demonstrate a great composing talant so I wish you good luck and successful future in this area. (In comments of No3 you can add also “Forsberg twins” 😉 )
Thanks, Diyan! I’ll think about No1 :). But I’ve just read about the Forsberg twins @ – “…a classic Forsberg twin with all five orthodox pieces…” – I have just 2 pieces.
The problems are all very good. I like No.3 very much showing the difficult battery transformation and neat white first moves !
No.6 shows a nice idea of neutral piece mate. Usually neutral mates require double checks but you have found the exception (perhaps not new). But…. I would have preferred if black moved the neutral G into position for the mates.
Excellent imagination to show different effects with the similar settings of Nos.4 and 6. Can No.4 be more economical if Lions are used instead of Kangaroo.?
Thank you very much for your attention! I’ve made one another Post tonight as an answer to your comment. But may be you could tell me your name? Otherwise I don’t know how to call you..
Seetharaman is my first name. In our part of India we like to known/called by our first names (rather than our family, parents name…. “Kalyan” or Kalyanasundaram.) For short, you may call me Ram also.
No.7 is topclass showing Orthogonal-diagonal echo mates. I like the way the white first moves Re5 and Rd5 interchange as played and unplayable moves !
Задача №2 очень хороша. Мне ее Андрей Селиванов в машине показывал, решил я быстро за 1 минуту, но использование материала отличное – черный ферзь супер! На мой взгляд это явный приз и кандиадат в Альбом ФИДЕ. Если бы я судил – то 3 балла железные, а то и 3,5 за нахлдку. Поздравляю!
Спасибо! Ну вот – я неделю составляла, а Вы – за минуту решили! Честно говоря, связку эту с ферзем я изначально не собиралась делать. Хотела просто 2 батарейки – слон-ладья и ладья-слон. Но из-за побочных решений пришлось связку сделать. И меня это весьма огорчало. А сейчас так странно – многим нравится именно из-за этого….
Без ферзя было бы вообще фантастика. Но и одной фигурой укротить – это очень сильно. Решил за минуту, потому что я же кооперативщик 🙂
На Ваш вопрос в другой ветке про №1 очвечу здесь. В данной схеме Вы наверное все “выжали”. Но! Всегда надо пробовать другие фйигуры, смежные идеи и т.д.
Например вот так:
Kg8 Rd1 Ba1 Sd2 Se5 pd6
Ke6 Rc1 Bf5 Sd3 Se4 ph6
H#2 ( 6 + 6 )
Может ээто и не совсем то что Вы хотели показать, но по сути Ваша идея удвоена, плюс перекрывается одна и таже черная ладья. Может и пешку черную снять можно – я на скорую руку делал. Конечно есть минус определенный – на одних и тех дже полях перекрытие и мат, но тема Зилахи нарисовалась. Но это очень похоже на мою задачу из того же турнира, которую не очень оценили 🙂 В общем Вам решать. А первоначальную позицию еще посмотрю 🙂
А вот это не так интересно… Ваш вариант:
Кони забирают коней.. Осенью сама пробовала так играть с конями, но там куча предшественников. Мне все-таки кажется, что моя версия по идее своей интереснее, но только, возможно, реализация не очень..
Если посмотрите еще – буду ждать с любопытством!
Спасибо! ю.
Можно как то так попробовать.
На 4 фигуры меньше+маты правильные.
White Ke3 Rh5 Bb5 Sf5 Bf4 Pc6
Black Kb6 Qc2 Rc1 Rb8 Ba7 Bg6 Sg5
К сожалению одну и ту же фигуру черных перекрыть не удалось – доска по вертикали маловата 🙂
О, да, иногда хочется доску побольше! 🙂
…смотрю Вашу идею –
Эта позиция мне больше нравится, конечно, чем Ваша предыдущая. Еще можно wBb5->wp
Спасибо за ответ! Присылайте мне что-нибудь на сайт!
To previous version by Valera Gurov: in my opinion, it is insufficiently good. Possible is a better position – without white Pawns, Meredith form:
White: Kc4, Re8, Bd5, Bh2, Se5 (5)
Black: Kf1, Qg6, Ra2,Rb2, Bc7, Se6, Pf2 (7)
H#2 2 solutions (C+)
1.Sd4 Sf3 2.Sc2 Sd2#
1.Bxe5 Bxe6 2.Bg3 Bh3#
But I made this position quickly and I`m not sure that it is optimum,therefore – other impovements are probably possible.
Nice version!! It’s a pleasure to get such lessons of how to make a better version. Thanks a lot!! julia.
Now I remember that during the congress I looking for this version:
Yes, I remember you’ve shown it to me! Thanks!
I’ve corrected the link in your comment above – if you do a screenshot by LightShot, then you can add it as a link only, not like a graphical image.
(for everybody – how to add a diagram to the comment:
hmm, its look that the image was not attached, so the position is:
white: Kb5, Rf8, Bd2, Se4, Sf6
black: Ke2, Qc8, Rc6, Sf7, Pd3
h#2 b)+wBd5 (5+5) C+
a) 1.Se5 Sd5 2.Sc4 Sc3#
b) 1.R:f6 B:f7 2.Re6 Bh5#
Congratulations on elegant compositions in battery, anti-battery helpmates. Very talented!