56th WCCC – 11th Romanian Tzuica Tourney

Batumi, Georgia September 21-28, 2013

11th Romanian Tzuica Tourney
Judges: Vlaicu Crişan & Eric Huber (Romania)


Help-selfmates (hs#n) or help-selfstalemates (hs=n) with at least two switchbacks in each phase and at least two phases.

See Definitions and Examples in original PDF announcement!

Prizes are bottles of Tzuica (The tourney is open worldwide, however the prizes for congress participants only).
Entries to Eric Huber by e-mail at hubereric@yahoo.fr until September 22nd, or during Congress to the Romanian delegate Dinu-Ioan Nicula until Wednesday, September 25th, 9 p.m.

56th WCCC – 4th Bulgarian Wine Tourney 2013


4th Bulgarian Wine Tourney 2013

(30.07.2013) Here is the announcement of the 4th Bulgarian Wine Tourney – WCCC Batumi 2013.

Theme: direct #, H#, S#, HS# problems in 2 to 3 moves with the combination of fairy conditions Take & Make and Anti Take & Make. Neutral pieces are allowed, but other type fairy pieces or fairy conditions are not allowed.

The problems should be computer checked by WinChloe or Popeye (please write the used program).

Prizes: Bottles of Bulgarian wine, Bulgarian souvenirs.

Closing date: 25th September 2013, 23:00h local time

Judge: Diyan Kostadinov (Bulgaria)

The tourney is open to everybody, but only congress participants can receive bottlesand souvenirs.

E-mail entries should be sent to Diyan Kostadinov by September 25th  (dkostadinov@abv.bg).

See the whole announcement at KoBulChess.com website!



There have been 157 entries for this challenge, which were available to all participants at the Mat Plus site. Milan’s intention was to publish an article including all the correct entries in Mat Plus. We have decided that it would be appropriate to eventually publish this article dedicated to the memory of Milan. Owing to the impossibility to associate each diagram to its composer, we have decided to proceed as follows:

 →Read more… (click to show/hide)

feenschach/Die Schwalbe Theme Tourneys extended!

Die Schwalbe
Theme Tourneys extended!

The joint theme tourneys of feenschach / Die Schwalbe to celebrate the birthdays of Hemmo Axt, Zdravko Maslar, and Hans Peter Rehm  have been extended: New closing date is October 31, 2013 !

All themes are open for orthodox and fairy, even retro presentation. You may find the description in German and English with some example problems e.g. at http://www.thbrand.de/downloads/f67-69TT.pdf

Also do not miss the Werner Speckmann 100 memorial tourney by Die Schwalbe for n# with Empress (combination of Rook and Knight); you may find details at http://www.dieschwalbe.de/kompositionsturniere.htm

Closing date is August 21, 2013 (Werner Speckmanns centenary).

Have fun and good luck!

WCCI 2010-2012: Preliminary results coming…

wfcc-site15-16th of July, 2013
WCCI 2010-2012 – Preliminary results –
The most interesting sections 🙂 are coming!

  • (15.06) See the corrected results of Section E (helpmates) published!
  • (16.06) See the results of Section F (selfmates) published! Congratulations to Diyan Kostadinov for his 3rd Prize!
  • (16.06) The results of Section G (FAIRIES) are published at WFCC website! So much happy for our winners – Petko A. Petkov, Vlaicu Crișan, Peter Gvozdják

Congratulations and the very best wishes to all participants! Congratulations to the winners!!

Back-Home Thematic Tournament

Thematic Tournament

The 5th ChessProblems.ca Thematic Tournament requires original chess compositions employing the Back-Home fairy condition, recently invented by Nicolas Dupont. Entries should be submitted to the tourney director, Nicolas Dupont, via email at tt5@chessproblems.ca. The closing date is December 31st, 2013. The tournament sections and judges are as follows:

Section 1: Help and Help-Self
Any type of help and help-self stipulations. Fairy units are allowed, but no additional fairy conditions.
Judges: Vlaicu Crisan and Eric Huber (Romania).

Section 2: Series-Movers
Any type of series and parry-series stipulations. Additional fairy conditions are allowed, but no fairy units.
Judge: Paul Raican (Romania).

Section 3: Proof Games
No fairy units or additional conditions are allowed.
Judge: Michel Caillaud (France).

See full announcement in pdf file or the original publication at http://tt5.chessproblems.ca/!

See also The back-home fairy condition article by Nicolas Dupont.