Originals 16-220417



Original Problems


16-22nd of April, 2017

  • (22.04) No.1211 – Gani Ganapathy & Juraj Lörinc (#2 ; AMU). With gratitude for the dedication to JF’s 5Y! (JV)
  • (22.04) No.1184.1 – Paul Rãican (-8 & s#1 Proca Retractor; Anti-Circe). Improved version of No.1184.
  • (17.04) No.1210 – Boris Shorokhov & Dmitri Turevski (h#5.5 ; Relegation Chess).
  • (16.04) No.1201.1 – Andrew Buchanan (h=3; C- ?). Improved version of No.1201.

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of JF-2017(I) is not appointed yet. The judge of Retro & PG problems 2017-2018: Dirk Borst.

Originals 10-160417



Original Problems


10-16th of April, 2017

Problems for JF’s 5 years jubilee, published with gratitude:

  • (16.04) No.1209 – Claude Beaubestre (h#4 ; Einstein Chess, Equipollents Circe).
  • (15.04) No.1208 – Peter Harris (hs#2; Sentinels, Super-Circe, Anti-Andernach, Isardam).
  • (14.04) No.1207 – Michael Grushko (ser-h#8 ; Phantom Chess, Ghost Chess).
  • (14.04) No.1206 – Ladislav Packa (h=2 ; Anti-Circe).
  • (14.04) No.1205 – Petko A. Petkov (s#6 vv ; Immun Chess).
  • (12.04) No.1204 – Kenneth Solja (h#4.5* ; KoeKo White Maximummer).
  • (11.04) No.1203 – Igor Kochulov (hs#3.5 ; LEO, PAO, VAO, NAO).

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of JF-2017(I) is not appointed yet. The judge of Retro & PG problems 2017-2018: Dirk Borst.

JF’s 5 years jubilee


JF’s 5 years jubilee

It feels like so recently I proudly wrote about JF’s first year, but today this website celebrates the first real jubilee, 5 years.. and I don’t know where to start from..

What is JF for me? As a growing baby, requiring time and care, it is making me glad, and more and more busy, in the same time. I have some figures and facts to be proud of, like number 1200 in the section of originals (an average of 2 publications in 3 days); then average of 120 visits per day (about 80 unique ones) from 27-30 countries; 15 informal competitions and 5 thematic ones; animated solutions implemented since June 2014 with Dmitri Turevski’s help…

JV-BelgradeRunning the site, publishing different kinds of fairy problems, and announcements, I feel like learning all the time. But getting to know all of you who help me, who contribute to JF, who are part of “JF’s community”, means even more! The names, so many, from so different countries, turned into alive persons. And I know, this is in the both directions. Some years ago (2, 3?) I started seeing the references to Julia’s Fairies publications as simply: JF… The independent life of these two letters still means a lot to me.

Originals 05-080417



Original Problems


5-8th of April, 2017

  • (08.04) No.1202 – Vitaly Medintsev (hs#3.5). “…model chameleon-echo mates.” (Author)
  • (08.04) No.1201 – Andrew Buchanan (h=3; C- ?). “C+ Popeye 4.75, together with retro logic…” (Author)
  • (08.04) No.1200 – Geoff Foster (s#11; Alphabetic Chess). “The white Bishop does a ‘staircase’…” (Author)
  • (05.04) No.1199 – Eugene Rosner (#2*; AMU). “…pure AMU defenses for the thematic mates” (Author)

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of JF-2017(I) is not appointed yet. The judge of Retro & PG problems 2017-2018: Dirk Borst.

Originals 09-210317



Original Problems


9-21th of March, 2017

Dear authors and visitors, please use “Like”  button under the diagram if you like the problem published!

  • (21.03) No.1198 – Geoff Foster (s#22; Alphabetic Chess). “It might be the first time that ABC Chess has been used in a selfmate (there are no examples in WinChloe)!” (Author)
  • (18.03) No.1197 – Aleksey Oganesjan (h=4).
  • (18.03) No.1196 – Sébastien Luce (h==4,5; Jaguar). Dedicated to Abdelaziz Onkoud, the Jaguar of Tremblay.
    “Normally, playing chess is a quiet game…” (Author)
  • (15.03) No.1195 – Neal Turner (s#2; Royal Grasshopper; SAT).
  • (09.03) No.1194 – Karol Mlynka (h#2; Locust; Super-Transmuting King).
  • (09.03) No.1193 – Franz Pachl (hs#3; Neutral Nightrider & Zebra; Circe). So much grateful for the dedication! Is it fair I’ve got the both – the recent Award of JF made in amazingly short time and this beautiful problem?
  • (09.03) No.1192 – Václav Kotěšovec (ser-h#14; Grasshopper; Kangaroo).

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of JF-2017(I) is not appointed yet. The judge of Retro & PG problems 2017-2018: Dirk Borst.

Originals 23-270217



Original Problems


23-27th of February, 2017

Dear authors and visitors, please use “Like”  button under the diagram if you like the problem published!

  • (27.02) No.1191 – János Mikitovics (h=5; AntiCirce Cheylan; Circe Diametral; Bishop-Moose). Dedicated to Petko Petkov 75!
  • (25.02) No.1190 – Chris Feather (ser-h#23; Alphabetic Chess). 
    “…a unit on h8 is doomed to stay there for ever… or is it?!” (Author)
  • (23.02) Fairings No.53 – Chris Feather, distributed by Stephen Emmerson, is added to the Articles section!
  • (23.02) No.1189 – Alberto Armeni (h#2; Take&Make). Theme of the 10th WCCT.

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of JF-2017(I) is not appointed yet. The judge of Retro & PG problems 2017-2018: Dirk Borst.

Originals 01-110217



Original Problems


1-11th of February, 2017

Dear authors and visitors, please use “Like”  button under the diagram if you like the problem published!

  • (11.02) No.1188 – Michael Barth & Franz Pachl (h#2; Circe; Zebra; Moose). And here I’d like to welcome Michael on JF, again after about the same break of 3 years as for Francesco’s No.1187.
  • (11.02) No.1187 – Francesco Simoni (h#2; LEO; Lion; Nightrider; Contra-Grasshopper). I’m glad to welcome Francesco’s problem after almost 3 years since his previous publication on JF.
  • (07.02) No.1186 – Bruno Kampmann (#9*/#8*; Lortap; Grasshopper). Warm welcome to Bruno in Original problems section of JF!
  • (06.02) No.1185 – Erich Bartel (hs#10*; Maximummer; Circe Equipollents; White Minimummer; Grasshopper; Marguerite).
  • (04.02) No.1184 – Paul Rãican (-9 & s#1 Proca; Anti-Circe).
  • (04.02) No.1183 – Claude Beaubestre (h#2; Take&Make).
  • (01.02) No.1182 – Paul Rãican (h#3.5; Circe; Grasshopper). Inspired by No.1176, Lörinc & Novomesky.

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judges of JF-2017(I) and of Retro & PG problems 2017-2018 are not appointed yet.

Originals 12-140117



Original Problems


12-14th of January, 2017

Dear authors and visitors, please use “Like”  button under the diagram if you like the problem published!

  • (14.01) Fairings No.52 – Chris Feather, distributed by Stephen Emmerson, is added to the Articles section!
  • (14.01) No.1181.1 – Ralf Krätschmer & Franz Pachl (hs#4.5; Circe; Neutral piece) – a new version to the problem No.1181.
  • (12.01) No.1181 – Ralf Krätschmer & Franz Pachl (hs#4.5; Circe; Neutral piece).

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judges of JF-2017(I) and of Retro & PG problems 2017-2018 are not appointed yet.

Originals 02-030117 & Likes!



Original Problems


2-3rd of January, 2017

A new feature – Likes!

Dear authors and visitors, I’m happy to welcome you on JF in the New Year 2017! Thinking about how much authors are interested in any feedback (well, the editor is interested in it too! 🙂 ), this year I’ve decided to add a “Like” button for JF’s publications. […]

  • (03.01) No.1180 – James Quah (#2; Quintessence).
  • (02.01) No.1179 – Michal Dragoun (hs#4.5).

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judges of JF-2017(I) and of Retro & PG problems 2017-2018 are not appointed yet.

Originals 29-301216



Original Problems


29-30th of December, 2016

Happy New Year to all of us!!!

  • (30.12) No.1145.1 – Ya’aqov Mintz (PG 7.5). “A more economical version of PG No.1145”
  • (30.12) No.1178 – Karol Mlynka (hs=4; Back-to-Back; Chameleon Chess; Reverse Pawn). Dedicated to Ján Golha 60*.
  • (29.12) No.1177 – Michel Caillaud (h#2; Anti-Circe Couscous). Dedicated to Pierre Tritten, “almost exclusive composer for Anticircé couscous”.
  • (29.12) No.1176 – Juraj Lörinc & Daniel Novomesky (h#6; White Maximummer; Circe; Koeko; Grasshopper).

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.

All previously published problems you can find in the subsections of Original Problems menu on the top. The judge of informal fairy tournament JF-2016(II) – Franz PachlThe judge of Retro and PG problems 2015-2016Thomas Brand.