Mečislavas Palevičius MT

sachmatijaMečislavas Palevičius memorial tourney

The Lithuanian chess composers` society announces a memorial tourney of Mečislavas Palevičius.

Theme: serial (all kinds) mate or stalemate problem with neutral pawns. Other fairy pieces or conditions are allowed. No more than 15 moves. Entries must be sent by 1st of January, 2016, to director of tourney Borisas Gelpernas, Vytenio g. 27-15, LT-03112 Vilnius, Lithuania or by e-mail:

Write your post address. The judge will be announced latterly. Prizes: books.
The award will be announced in „Šachmatija“ in the middle of 2016.

Quick Composing TT-150: Proca Retractor

superproblem-ruQuick Composing TT-150 by SuperProblem
Tourney name: “Forward Defense”

Stipulation: Proca Retractor
Theme: Proca Retractor with white try refuted by a Forward Defense (see below). Fairy pieces are not allowed. Fairy conditions are allowed. Proca Retractor is a defensive Retractor. Black is defending by trying to retract the moves that will forbid (or delay) the achievement of White’s goal. Examples of orthodox or fairy Proca Retractors is here
Judge: Vlaicu Crişan & Eric Huber. Closing date: October 4, 2015
Entries to Aleksey Oganesjan via e-mail:
Award will be published on the website  Download the announcement in English [pdf, 180 KB]

WCCI 2013-2015: Announcement

wfcc-logo-transparentThe WFCC is inviting composers of all countries to participate in the 2013-15 WCCI. The tourney director is Dmitry Turevsky (email: Participants may submit their entries by January 20, 2016. Details can be found in the announcement. Deadline for the submission of entries to the director: January 20th 2016.

Judges for Fairies&Retros: 

G) Fairies: Juraj Brabec (SVK), Aleksandr Bulavka (BLR), Georgy Evseev (RUS), Petko Petkov (BUL)*, Kjell Widlert (SWE)
*the change as of 08.09.2015: Yury Gordian (UKR) → Petko Petkov (BUL)

H) Retros: Dmitry Baibikov (ISR), Nicolas Dupont (FRA), Andrey Frolkin (UKR), Bernd Graefrath (GER), Kostas Prentos (GRE)

Frank Richter + Sven Trommler = 100 JT

FrankRichter-smallSvenTrommler-smallJubilee tournament “Frank Richter + Sven Trommler = 100”

In March resp. April 2016 the problemists Frank Richter and Sven Trommler celebrate their 50th birthdays. On this occasion a jubilee tourney is announced in two sections:

A: Orthodox selfmates in 2-15 moves, free theme

B: Logical direct-play fairies (#n, s#n, r#n, etc.) in 4-15 moves.

Authors are kindly requested to indicate the software used in testing and to which extend the test was partial or full. Both sections will be judged jointly by Frank and Sven. The prize fund of 300€ will be divided among the sections according to the quality of the entries. These should be sent to the tourney director Arnold Beine, Grund 15, 65366 Geisenheim, Germany;, by 28 March 2016.

Jubilee tourney Oliver Ralík 70 C 19.12.2015

oliver-ralik-70jn-exJubilee tourney Oliver Ralík 70 C 19.12.2015

Theme: Composition with any stipulation, in which the same piece makes at least two distinctive patterns during solution. Authors are recommended to point the pattern in the comment to composition to ensure the intention is not missed.

Sections: a) Only orthodox pieces; b) Fairy pieces allowed.
In both sections fairy conditions are allowed. See detailed announcement with examples!

Judge: Juraj Lörinc

Deadline 19.12.2015, submissions to the director – jubilee Oliver Ralík, either by e-mail to or by letter to Oliver Ralík, Javorová 9, 949 01 Nitra, Slovakia.

Uri Avner MT – C 30.06.2015


Uri Avner Memorial Tourney

The Israeli Chess Composition Society informs that a chess problem composition tourney dedicated to the memory of Uri Avner is extended till June, 30, 2015.

The tourney is in two sections as follows:

Section 1: Helpmates in 2.5 or 3 moves. Judge: Francesco Simoni. Theme: “Pin-correction” – a black piece is unpinned (directly or indirectly) by white. Later in the solution the same piece becomes pinned on a different square. Fairy pieces and conditions are not allowed.

Section 2: Selfmates in 2 to 6 moves. Judge: Petko Petkov. Theme: Play of at least one white battery and one black battery. Use of other strategic motives is very desirable. Fairy pieces and conditions are not allowed.

Entries to the tourney director, Omer Friedland, by email to:

RIFACE, Saint-Germain au Mont d’Or, 22-25.05.2015

st-germain-au-mont-d-orThis year, the 36th RIFACE (Rencontre Internationale en France des Amateurs de Composition Echiquéenne) will take place from Friday, May 22, 2015 (evening) to Monday, May 25, 2015 (noon) at Saint-Germain au Mont d’Or instead of the traditional location at Messigny.

Themes are the following:

RIFACE 2015 – Thème aidés.pdfThème féerique.pdfThème rétro.pdf

Address to send the entries :
Time limit to send the entries : Sunday 24th May at 15:00