PPetkov-75JTPetko A. Petkov 75th Jubilee Tourney

“StrateGems is pleased to announce a jubilee tourney for our esteemed editor Petko A. Petkov (born February 27th, 1942 in Dobrich, Bulgaria). Petko has been on our staff since 2002 (SG20) as Fairies Editor. Two issues later he became Selfmates Editor as well. His mastery in both genres has steadily attracted some of the top composers in both genres.”

→Read more in the announcement of the tourney in 3 sections with details and examples (PDF)


No limit regarding the number of entries sent by a composer | Only originals tested C+ with either Popeye, WinChloe or Gustav (for long selfmates) | Due date: December 1, 2016 | Send your entries to: Mike Prcic, Tuzlak@aol.com with note: for P.A.Petkov 75 JT | The judge: P.A. Petkov | The prizes will be in books and in e-subscriptions to StrateGems.

RIFACE, Saint-Germain au Mont d’Or, 13-15.05.2016

st-germain-au-mont-d-orThe 37th RIFACE (Rencontre Internationale en France des Amateurs de Composition Echiquéenne) will take place from Friday, May 13, 2016 (evening) to Monday, May 16, 2016 (noon) at Saint-Germain au Mont d’Or.

Themes are the following:

RIFACE 2016 – Thème aidés.pdfThème féerique.pdfThème rétro.pdf

Address to send the entries : RIFACE.2016@gmail.com.
Time limit to send the entries : Sunday 15th May at 15:00

Announcement of Tourneys of “The Macedonian Problemist” 2016

macedonian-problemistThe Macedonian Problemist announces tourneys for 2016:

a) Informal tourneys: #2 – Dragan Stojnić; #3 – C.G.S. Narayanan; #n – Abdelaziz Onkoud; s#2-n – Sven Trommler; h#2 – Vitaly Medintsev; h#2.5-3 – Petko Petkov; h#3.5-n – Christopher Jones; fairies – Pierre Tritten; retros – Hans Gruber.
b) “The Macedonian Problemist” League 2016 (free themes, closing date 1.9.2016) in four sections: #2 – Miodrag Mladenović; #3 – Aleksandr Sygurov; s#3-7 – Živko Janevski; h#4-8 – Zlatko Mihajloski (a reserve judge for any section – Hans Gruber).

c)  thematic tourneys for helpmates showing themes labelled with the names of two prominent Macedonian chess problem composers, who will be judges in these tourneys, respectively (closing date 20.10.2016)… → read full announcement (PDF)

mk-55jt-exA thematic composing tourney
announced for any kind of chess problems

Theme: 55 (two fives)

Every theme including at least 2×5 (or 5+5) arbitrary elements is allowed. E.g. five transferred mates / changed mates / variants / defense motifs / harmful effects in two phases, 5 solutions in a twin, 5 white + 5 black promotions, 5 white + 5 black pieces and the like. However, also multiplied showing of five elements is welcome.

Everything is allowed: any stipulation, any number of moves, fairy pieces and/or conditions, promoted pieces, any type and size of chess board as well as multiple solutions, twins, and even illegal position.

The tourney will be divided to at least two sections (orthodox and fairy).

Prizes: Chess Diagraf – programme for saving, solution, printing and animation of chess problems

Deadline: 04.04.2016 | Entries to email: mk55jt@checkchess.net | Judge: jubilee | PDF with examples | Animated examples

The award will appear at the latest 55 days after deadline.

Krassimir Gandev – 70 JT 2016

logo-kobulchesskrassimir-gandevKrassimir Gandev – 70 JT 2016

On 21st March 2016 the Bulgarian maestro IM Krassimir Gandev will celebrate his 70th Anniversary. The website for Chess Composition KoBulChess.com announces the “Krassimir Gandev – 70” JT 2016.

Theme: Fairy problems type #, H#, S#, HS#, =, H=, S=, HS=, ==, H=, S=, HS== in 2-4 moves and Series or Parry Series in 2-8 moves with Hurdle Colour Changing pieces. Other fairy pieces or conditions are not allowed.

Please send your entries by email: gandev70@abv.bg |  Deadline: 21.03.2016 | Judge: Krassimir Gandev 

The Award will be published on KoBulChess.com till 31.03.2016 |  Announcement with examples, PDF

WCCI 2013-2015: 2 days left

wfcc-logo-transparentJust 2 days left to submit your entries to  the 2013-15 WCCI. The tourney director is Dmitry Turevsky (email: dmitri.turevski@gmail.com). Participants may submit their entries by January 20, 2016. See the list of Received entries at wfcc.ch website.

Judges for Fairies & Retros: 

G) Fairies: Juraj Brabec (SVK), Aleksandr Bulavka (BLR), Georgy Evseev (RUS), Petko Petkov (BUL), Kjell Widlert (SWE)

H) Retros: Dmitry Baibikov (ISR), Nicolas Dupont (FRA), Andrey Frolkin (UKR), Bernd Graefrath is generic cialis just as good (GER), Kostas Prentos (GRE)

KoBulChess Informal Tourneys 2016


The website KoBulChess announces Informal Tourneys 2016 for the sections:

Twomovers (#2), the judge: Eugene Rosner (USA)

Threemovers (#3), the judge: Evgeni Bourd (Israel)

Helpmates (H#2), the judge: Shankar Ram (India)

Helpmates (H#n), the judge: Petko Petkov (Bulgaria)

Selfmates (S#), the judge: Ivan Soroka (Ukraine)

Fairies, the judge: Kjell Widlert (Sweden)

The arrows of St Sebastian TT

StSebastienThe arrows of St Sebastian

The theme required : a problem with 7 pieces minimum (black, white or neutral) on the same file or diagonal, the total of pieces is free. Two pieces maximum can “touch” the shape of the arrow. All fairy piece(s), fairy condition(s) and stipulations are allowed. → See announcement with examples (PDF)

Ultimate date : 10 of February 2016 to send to Sebastien Luce (judge), by mail : luceechecs@gmail.com

The most beautiful arrows will receive some delicious chocolates of Clichy (France) !

Munich fairy chess TT 2016

Munich fairy chess TT 2016mpk-b

Reflexmate miniatures with fairy pieces

Required are reflexmate miniatures in 4 or more moves with fairy pieces. Only ‘real’ reflexmates (with white reflex try), no semireflexmates. Fairy conditions, fairy boards, series-movers and mixed stipulations (e.g. helpreflexmate) are not accepted.

Judge: Hans Gruber | Tourney director: Frank Müller | Submissions via email to Frank Müller, framutor@aol.com
Closing date: June 30th, 2016 |
The award will be published as a special issue of the mpk-Blätter end of 2016.

chess-marble-green-v1Informal tourney „Saechsische Zeitung“2016/17

Judges of the 3 sections:

twomover: Andreas Witt | threemover: Sven Trommler | moremover: Wilfried Neef

File copy and a booklet of the award for each participant.
Three prizes in each section: 20 €; 15 €; 10 € (books for foreign participants).

Problems continuously requested to: Dr. Frank Reinhold, Weidenstr.22, D- 01458 Ottendorf-Okrilla; frank.reinhold@arcor.de.