Dear Friends,
I’d like to let you know that I’ll be on vacation with limited internet access for a week – 06-13th October. Going to my lovely Italy, with family, – so with all devices like smart mobile phone, computer and mobile Internet there, I doubt I will be able to work much being with kids on Adriatic sea! 🙂
But the site will be up and running and I’ll read mails few times per day for sure. I’m thinking about what might be needed from me… and this is what I’ve found to comment:
- Of course, please continue to send your problems for Thematic tourney JULIA’S FAIRIES – HSP – 2012 – I will read mail, and will reply with confirmations about receiving!
- About Original problems for the site: I can’t promise to publish them the same day as received, but still I hope to be able to publish at least 1 problem in few days. Anyway, I will inform the authors about planned publication, and for sure everything I’ve got during that week will be on the site after 14th.
- About Comments on the site: only your first comment on the site needs an approval from me. All the next comments, in case of using the same name and email address in the comment form, will be published automatically right after posting. If you post comment for the first time during that week, it will be approved with some delay, during the day.
- If you would like me to publish some information on the site – please make it almost ready for publication. I will try to put it on the web in 1-2 days.
- If you have anything urgent to publish – please send it by Friday, the 5th!
- Hm… for now I have no more idea what also? I have a funny feeling about leaving the site as a little baby without my permanent supervision.. Please take some care of it! 🙂
Your, Julia
Have fun!
Site will be safe.. Don’t worry.. 🙂
I wish you a very good time in Italy!!
Thank you very much!
I will have a very nice time in Italy, I know for sure, as it is the 3rd time I’m going there and I like the country, and people, and nature.. and the sea of amazingly azure color!
Plus, in Riga we have about +12C at the day time and +5C at nights.. Dreaming about returning into the summer and swimming again! 🙂
See what a nice problem I’ve got from Seetharaman – No.143 ! Of course, I’ll write about it in the separated “UPDATES” post, but it is also related to this one. Thank you, Ram!
Tomorrow I’ll be back from Italy. I see there’s such a silence on the site! Have to add something ASAP! 🙂 I feel myself so far from the world of composition here..

Have made several hundreds of pictures. An empty beach between Vasto and Sal Salvo amazes in every time of the day.
Have uploaded few pictures of it:
I always feel sad leaving Italy.. And the kids tell in one voice that the next time they want to go to this place again! And nowhere also! 🙂
“absence makes the heart grow fonder” 🙂
>> I see there’s such a silence on the site! Have to add something ASAP! 🙂 I feel myself so far from the world of composition here..
Perhaps everybody is composing for your Theme tourney… like I was 🙂
Hm… hopefully 🙂 I’m happy you did it!! What’s about you – I believe we all missed your analyzing on the site!