JF Original Problems | February, 2023
The judge of JF-2023: N/A
The judge of Retro & PG problems 2023-2024: N/A
Dear composers, I still have no judge for both Fairy & Retro tournaments, and I’d be grateful to the one who is willing to accept this job.
If you sent me a problem, but don’t see your name in the list below, please write me! Please don’t send me more than 1 problem at one time and don’t send the next one before the previous is published! Thank you!
The order of publication might be not the same as in the waiting list: the problems easy to test and to animate, C+, and those without additional questions to composers will go first.
To be published in February-March: Klaus Wenda & Andreas Thoma, János Mikitovics, Manfred Rittirsch.
- (19.02) No.1737 (No More Kings) – Bruno Stucker – The starting piece captures all the pieces from the board in as few moves as possible. Warm welcome to Bruno who managed to write the full notation in 5 solutions (twins) without making any mistake! So, enjoy the animation for the debut of “No More Kings” condition on JF!
- (18.02) No.1736 (Defensive PG 3.5) – Shankar Ram – “Reciprocal Zugzwang. Tempo strategy, Double switchback.” (Author)
- (11.02) No.1735 (h#5 ; Moose ; Masand) – Daniel Novomesky – “…chameleon diagonal mirror echo, miniature” (Author)
- (11.02) No.1734 (h#2 ; Lion) – Ladislav Salai jr. & Michal Dragoun – “…and cycle of four white moves” (Authors)
- (11.02) No.1733 (h#4 ; Magic squares) – Henri Nouguier – Warm welcome to Henri who came back to chess composition after a break of 15 years!
- (11.02) No.1723.1 (ser-s#33) – Paul Rãican – a version to 1723 added with the date it was shown in the comment , still no cooks reported 🙂
- (11.02) No.1732 (h#2.4 ; Kobul Kings) – Hiroaki Maeshima – “ODT. Chumakov theme” (Author)
- (11.02) No.1731 (h#4 ; Mars Circe, Anti-Mars Circe) – Armin Geister & Daniel Papack – “we think it’s not only a combinations of two conditions but a new fairy condition: Mars total!” (Authors)
Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe‘s graphics, Christian Poisson