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No.539 by Vlaicu Crișan – Proca Retractor with a very rich content! (JV)
Proca Retractor: In Retractors, White and Black retract (take back) a given number of moves (-n moves), in order to reach a position in which a forward stipulation (e.g. #1, s#1) is met. Proca is a defensive retractor. Given a choice, Black will retract those moves that avoid or delay White’s goal. Black may defend by mating White through a forward move, if such an opportunity exists after one of Black’s retractions. Unless otherwise specified, forward defense is the default condition of Proca retractors.(def. from StrateGems, http://strategems.net/sections/variant-definitions.html)
Circe Assassin: Like Circe, but when the rebirth square is occupied, the occupant is «assassina
Circe: Captured units (not Ks) reappear on their game-array squares, of the same colour in the case of pieces, on the file of capture in the case of pawns, and on the promotion square of the file of capture in the case of fairy pieces. If the rebirth square is occupied the capture is normal.
No.539 Vlaicu Crișan
original – 01.05.2014
![]() Circe Assassin Solutions: (click to show/hide)
Yes, probably extremely difficult to solve – with a lot of details making full use of both ways of checking in Assassin Circe (the traditional way, and – if a K is on a rebirth square – attacking a piece that would be reborn on that square).
But seemingly no clear theme to connect all those details.
The starting point was to give mate by moving the Knight in the corner – similar with the Winter TT of Springaren. Afterwards a whole “bag of tricks” ensued…
A tremendous idea: White give check to a black Pawn and Black give checkmate to an white Pawn. A serious candidate for a Prize and a very good promoter of Proca Circe Assassin genre. See others problems in http://quartz.chessproblems.ca/pdf/36/Quartz36.pdf
I might be missing something, but this seems like a cook:
1.g6xRh7 (Ra8, -wBa8) Ba6-b7+
2.f5xg5 (pg7) ep. g7-g5
3.Kg2-f1 Sf6-h5+
4.Kh2xPg2 (pg7, -wpg7) Sh5-f6+
5.Sg4xSe3 (Sb8, -wRb8) & 1.Sf6+ Sxf6(Sg1)#
Congratulations for finding this cook, Bojan! You actually confirm what the judge and his cook-hunter have written in the award.