Juraj Lörinc
"Anti-Koeko (or New Koeko)" should be separated to two conditions. As far as I understand, there are 4 main Koeko…
On The Jungle and the Garden
To whom it may concern: this hs# would be eligible for Dawson Triathlon Memorial and sets the bar very high…
On No.1586 (MD)
Reminds me of HPR's #3 Anticirce with 3 bQs
On No.1578 (ST)
In my view it depends on what you want to emphasize. If Indians and switchbacks are important, then this move…
On No.1571 (TL)
My views on the classification matter are as follows. Probably many people tried to classify fairy chess elements (I am…
On Fairy elements: the statistics
Circe is not Dawson, but Monreal.
On Fairy elements: the statistics
Julia, thank you very much for hosting Conflictio issues and all the work done for the community!
On Originals 11-191219
This improvement reminds me of the lecture of Abdelaziz Onkoud given in Marianka 2014. See page 37 of the bulletin,…
5.bxc8=B Qe6+ 6.Bxe6 knight promotion allows switch of white moving piece
... and Leo is idle in the third solution.