Julia Vysotska
wK is mated by bQb8 in both solutions!
Will add the links to the files with themes right here: Thème aidés.pdf | Thème féerique.pdf | Thème rétro.pdf At…
On RIFACE, Saint-Germain au Mont d’Or, 2-5.06.2017
sorry, have lost it by mistake.. corrected!
The first awards of JF Fairy section can be printed: JF 2012 (one Award for the whole period) - https://juliasfairies.com/tourneys/awards/award-jf-2012/…
On Originals 26-300417
See some more versions at MatPlus forum. This is a direct link to the last one.
On Belgrade Internet Tourneys 2017, C23.05.2017
Thank you, Mario! Thank you, Kenneth! Thank you, Ram! So touched by your comments and also by all warm mails…
On JF’s 5 years jubilee
By author's request some little change is done to the diagram, -wPc2; bRc1->c2; bPc2->b2. No changes to the solution.
I'm sorry, I've missed bPg5 by mistake. Haven't recognized it because testing without bPg5 gave the same result. Corrected now.
Thank you very much, Ram! Surprised and happy! Haven't looked at the other problems yet, will do on the weekend.…
On Petko A. Petkov 75JT Award
Author's comment is just added to the problem.